chewing gum seizure dog

As scary as seizures are to witness, it's important to understand that the seizure itself is not very dangerous for dogs unless one lasts for more than about five minutes or they occur in clusters. Nasal discharge 3. The group has a substantial library of useful resources which can be viewed at: 3850 Grand View Blvd.Los Angeles, CA  90066, Inspired by the VIN community, part of the VIN family. GENERALIZED (GRAND MAL) SEIZURESThis is the most common form of seizure in small animals. she has had surgery and it has been a week now and she is doing excellent!! A seizure results from excessive electrical activity in the cerebral cortex of the brain. Schnauzers, Basset hounds, Collies, and Cocker spaniels have 2-3 times as much epilepsy as other breeds. Seizures can be a sign of serious health issues in your pet. My dog had been having a bubble gum seizure for over 30 minutes. She is being treated for distemper. Because it is a sulfa, it is vulnerable to the side effects associated with sulfa antibiotics: mostly tear production/dry eye issues but also some immune-mediated reactions. Do not put your hand into your dog's mouth while he is experiencing a canine seizure, as his jaws could suddenly snap closed. Mouth chewing/smacking with alot of drooling that lasted for only 10 seconds each time and happened about every hour. Coughing 4. Commercial gum products contain roughly the same list of toxic ingredients, with differing labeling, which is virtually always designed to mislead. Canine seizures are usually not painful to your dog, but if they continue for longer than two minutes they could put his health at risk. This medication was used for human seizure control nearly 100 years ago but was eclipsed by the development of phenobarbital. Rectal diazepam administration has been used successfully for many years in epileptic children; the technique has adapted well to veterinary patients. For more information, visit. For more information on potassium bromide, click here. my dog has some bumps under her mouth and one on the side of her mouth. But, even a small amount can poisonous! 15 Prescription Medications for Controlling Dog Seizures. but even after the surgery she would still do the weird thing with her mouth. It turns out that dogs of certain age groups tend to have common causes for their seizures. As with phenobarbital, there are monitoring tests associated with potassium bromide use and sedation is a side effect. If the dog has a history of brain injury or trauma. Ancient canines didn't have to worry about being poisoned by little sticks of tastiness, however, they no doubt had bigger concerns to contend with. Your vet can offer you guidelines based on your dog’s specific condition.. In 2017, Purina released a veterinary diet designed to supplement anti-seizure medications. In 2016, there were more than 250 cases of xylitol poisoning in the UK reported to the Veterinary Poisons Information Service – and most of these were down to dogs getting their paws on chewing gum. Reduced appetite 6. Many dogs fully recover from post-seizure side effects within minutes. Chewing gum contains a sugar alcohol called xylitol. There are no monitoring tests recommended for its use and an extended release formula allows for twice daily use. They include: If your dog begins to seizure, make sure that he is safe while convulsing; put him on the ground or floor. This means that certain diagnostic tests are especially important in dogs of one age group while other tests are going to be more important for dogs in another age group. These side effects can be objectionable. Lethargy (tiredness) 5. Common Ingredients of Gum After looking at several different brands of chewing gum, we found that these were the most common ingredients: • Sorbitol • Gum base • Maltitol • Mannitol • Xylitol The short answer is, yes. Classically, the patient loses consciousness, collapses, becomes stiff at first and then begins paddling or struggling but seizures can take many forms. Fainting animals are usually up and normal within seconds of the spell. Special referral is usually necessary for this type of imaging. Can chewing gum really kill your dog? Grand Mal seizures are generally severe and affect all of the pet’s body, but petit or partial seizures may only affect a portion of the pet. Post-Seizure: After the seizure, you will start to notice the short-term side effects of seizures in dogs. Seizures can occur in dogs for many different reasons. Most such tumors are operable if found early. Miniature Schnauzer(Photocredit:, Basset Hound(Photocredit:, Cocker Spaniel(Photocredit: Side effects of the drug include sedation, which is usually temporary during the first 1-2 weeks of medication use and wanes as the patient's body adjusts. It's fine for humans to consume, but can be fatal for dogs. The most common source of xylitol poisoning that Pet Poison Helpline* gets calls about comes from sugar-free gum. About 5% of dogs and 1% of cats will seizure at least once in their lifetime. Fever 2. My dog had a "chewing gum fit"? Dogs should be completely seizure-free for at least a year before contemplating stopping treatment. they were... (34701 views) Cat struggling to breathe. Extracranial caus… This is a support and news group for owners of seizuring dogs. Zonisamide can be used twice a day in dogs but lasts long enough in the cat to possibly be used once daily. Seizure; Yellow Skin or Gums; The History of Dogs and Gum The dangers of chewing gum have only been a threat to dogs in recent times. Using a hind leg, pull the dog away from furniture and stairs. The phenobarbital dose must maintain the phenobarbital blood level within a safe therapeutic range and be adjusted accordingly. It is best not to wait for frequent seizures in these cases as each seizure makes the next more difficult to control. The dog's gums may also be affected: ecchymoses (dark red splotches on the gums) and petechiae (dark red specks on the gums). During the seizure, protect your dog by moving him away from dangers (streets or the top of stairs, for example), put something soft under his head, and otherwise leave him alone. Agitated behavior 4. A. A classic example would be the "chewing gum" fit that frequently is seen in canine distemper infections but can be seen in other seizure disorders as well. A. If your dog is experiencing seizures you should take them to the vet immediately. During the seizure, the dog falls to the side, and its entire body freezes. Watching your dog experience a seizure is both frightening and disturbing, especially if it is unexpected. If your dog is going to exercise, it’s best to keep it as low key and sedate as possible, like a walk around the neighborhood. Here are some basic concepts concerning how age is an important consideration: ANIMALS LESS THAN AGE SIX MONTHSSeizures are usually caused by infections of the brain. Some lab test changes are associated with phenobarbital usage and need to be recognized as such. Most chewing gums contain Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in many products. The ideal first line anti-convulsant medication is effective, reasonably priced, convenient to administer, and has limited side effects potential. ANIMALS MORE THAN AGE FIVE YEARSIn this group, seizures are usually caused by a tumor growing off the skull and pressing on the brain (a “meningioma”). Even when dogs engage in these activities, pet guardians may not realize their pet is having a seizure. Consciousness may or may not be impaired. Again, any seizure that lasts longer than 5 minutes or if they are occurring in a cluster it is important to take your pet into see a … When your dog has a canine seizure, the signs are distinctive. Paralysis The disease will var… He may lose consciousness, and he may hallucinate. Copyright © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. German Shepherd(photocredit:, Border Collie(photocredit:, Australian Shepherd(photocredit:, Golden Retriever(photocredit:, Irish Setter(photocredit: “Luckily, most dogs are normal between seizure … Sometimes, the dog’s consciousness becomes impaired. Canine Epilepsy, What is a dog Seizure or canine epileptic fit?Any involuntary or uncontrolled muscular contractions in dogs may represent a seizure. Prolonged seizure activity constitutes an emergency. Recommendations for seizures are a little different. These episodes will last <5 minutes and the dog will then be perfectly normal. A small piece of sugar-free gum (or 0.1 g/kg of xylitol) may be considered a toxic dose of xylitol, depending on the dog's weight. In breeds for which seizure control is difficult, it is probably best never to stop medication (German Shepherds, Siberian Huskies, Keeshonds, Golden retriever, Irish Setter, St. Bernard). According to VCA Hospitals, it is extremely toxic to dogs. Classically, true seizures are preceded by an aura, or special feeling associated with a coming seizure. There are many potential causes of seizures: toxins, tumors, genetic disease such as epilepsy, infections, even scarring in the brain from past trauma. It is important not to put yourself in danger around a seizing pet. There is some expense associated with such testing. Epilepsy is diagnosed when no other cause of seizures can be found, there are no neurologic symptoms between seizure events, and the first seizure episodes begin in this age range. The seizure may include episodes of rage or aggression where the pet does not recognize family members or may be as simple as a brief episode of disorientation or "spacing out." 3850 Grand View Blvd. We told him to stop (cuz he soaks the pillows) and he didnt so i started checking him out. The rectal route avoids any danger of being bitten while trying to administer medication. What can I do to - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian Your dog may need anti-convulsant medication to treat his canine seizures. - Los Angeles, CA 90066 - Phone:(310) 391-6741 - Fax:(310) 391-6744 - Email: Communities > Dogs > Gum chewing Seizures? The focal seizure usually attacks one side of the body or one limb in particular. You are presumably reading this because your dog has had some kind of involuntary fit and you want to understand what it means and what can be done to prevent future episodes so let's cover some basics. A focal seizure is characterized by involuntary activity in a specific part of the dog’s body. How to Spot Dog Seizure Symptoms. The seizure is also typically followed by a post-ictal period during which the animal appears disoriented, even blind. When dogs with seizures are started on potassium bromide, 52% of them can be expected to become seizure free. WHAT IS A SEIZURE AND HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOUR DOG HAS HAD ONE? Potassium bromide is associated with pancreatitis and probably should not be used in patients with a history of that disease. Additional initial signs include: 1. Dogs that were not able to achieve full seizure control with medication were able to improve control or achieve total control after a 3 month trial on this diet. While there is some risk to discontinuing seizure medications, this may be appropriate for some patients. The pet's consciousness is disturbed by this type of seizure as the pet appears to be hallucinating or in an altered state. It comes from plants and trees, so you might think it’d be safe. Chewing every day on tooth-friendly goodies is another way to help prevent gum disease in dogs. The cause of this malfunction may be a result of an abnormality located within the brain itself, or it could be the result of a disease that starts in another part of the body but is still is able to affect the brain. Cats may also display petit mal seizure … Seizures are classified into several categories. Twitching, or “chewing gum” seizures, in which repetitive twitching of the dog’s jaw appears as if the dog is chewing gum 2. Usually basic blood work is done to rule out metabolic causes of seizures but more sophisticated and expensive testing (such as advanced brain imaging) is forgone as the presentation is fairly classic. If a seizure has lasted 5 minutes or more. Diazepam can also be given nasally but there is a greater chance of being bitten. Any involuntary behavior that occurs abnormally may represent a seizure. Involuntary jaw motion may bite you and in the period of post ictal disorientation the pet may not recognize you and may snap. would be congenital disease such as hydrocephalus, where abnormal fluid drainage from the brain creates damage. Affiliated with the Veterinary School at the University of Missouri at Columbia, this site reviews canine seizure disorders, treatment, history and more. Xylitol is an ingredient used as an artificial sweetener in sugar-free gum. When dogs with seizures are started on phenobarbital, approximately 31% of them can be expected to be seizure-free. After eating the gum on Jan. 22, Ryker was having difficulty walking or standing. Giving your dog chewing gum is never a good idea. A CT scan or MRI would be the next step. This period may last only a few minutes or may last several hours. Epilepsy in Dogs and Cats. As animals cannot speak, we usually do not notice any changes associated with the aura. They seek DNA samples from epileptic dogs and their close relatives if possible. The dog may have a chewing gum fit. For more details on phenobarbital, click here. It’s regularly found in sugar-free chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, vitamin supplements, a small handful of peanut butter brands, and other 'low sugar' or sugar-free products. If your pet is diagnosed with epilepsy, it is important to keep a seizure log to track the time of the seizure as well as the duration. PSYCHOMOTOR SEIZURES (ALSO CALLED COMPLEX PARTIAL SEIZURES) Psychomotor seizures are focal seizures where the seizure is more like an episode of abnormal behavior than an actual convulsion. Look for treats and toys that aren't hard, like: rubber balls, thin rawhide strips that bend, as well as rubbery toys in which you can hide treats. For dogs, the most common infectious diseases would be canine distemper or a parasitic infection such as with Toxoplasma or Neospora. It is a lucky pet that never has another seizure after beginning medications; but an occasional breakthrough seizure (as disturbing as it may be to watch) is rarely of serious concern. Particularly important in small dome-headed breeds (Pomeranian, chihuahua etc.) A Keynsham family’s dog nearly died after munching his way through a tub of chewing gum. ANIMALS BETWEEN AGES 6 MONTHS AND 6 YEARSThe most common reason for a dog, particularly a purebred dog, to begin having seizures in this age range is Genetic Epilepsy (also called Primary Epilepsy.) (Sulfa side effects are reviewed more completely in our pharmacy library under the sulfa antibiotics such as trimethoprim sulfa). Most commonly, dog seizures are caused by seizure disorders, like idiopathic epilepsy, which is typically inherited, but the cause is usually unknown. She kept moving her mouth in a motion as if she were chewing gum..a couple days later we took her to the vet because she wouldn't move and she was diagnosed with pyometra. When your dog has a canine seizure, the signs are distinctive. You will notice a jerking of the body, arching of the back, the twitching of muscles and violent chomping, tongue chewing or frothing at the mouth. There are presently four main medications that are used in suppressing seizures in dogs in the United States: phenobarbital, potassium bromide, levetiracetam, and zonisamide. Seizures resulting from metabolic problems or toxicity (i.e. Seizures for which no clear cause can be found are called Primary Seizures and the patient is said to have Epilepsy. Phenobarbital is a medication that cannot be suddenly discontinued; if you are interested in discontinuing seizure medication, be sure to discuss this thoroughly with your veterinarian. Some brands of gum contain fairly small amounts of xylitol, and it would take up to 9 pieces of gum to result in severe hypoglycemia in a 45 pound (20 kg) dog, while 45 pieces would need to be ingested to result in liver failure. Seizures (neurological events) are often difficult to tell from fainting spells (cardiovascular events). Chewing Gum Seizure? If the dog has a visible structural lesion on a CT, MRI or even a radiograph. Your dog's muscles will contract uncontrollably, and his jaws may begin to tremble or snap as if he were chewing gum. Some dogs may drool, run in circles, pace, or become aggressive while in the grip of a canine seizure. The long answer is, well, it depends. Cover with a blanket to reduce the light, and turn down sources of sound. The diet employs medium-chain fatty acids as a fat source (fats come in short, medium, and long-chain types which relate to the length of their chain of their carbon chain) and it turns out that MCT's have a direct anti-seizure effect. Fly-biting is an example of a psychomotor seizure. It appears to work best in combination with other seizure medications rather than as a sole therapy but many dogs are able to use it as a single agent. Approximately 80% of dogs on phenobarbital will experience a >50% decrease in seizure frequency. Aa. As an owner it is upsetting to witness your pet have a seizure, but any signs you observe may help the vet decide on future treatment. Why Chewing Gum Is Toxic. While chewing gum’s sweetness was traditionally given by sugar, today, finding a chewing gum that is sweetened with sugar can be something of a challenge-the perceived dental benefits of gum and people’s reluctance to consume empty calories simply to freshen the breath mean that today, artificial sweeteners are far more common in gum than actual natural sugar. ... Bumps on dog's chin. We went to bed last nite and my dog always has this thing with licking the pillows were we sleep but last nite he was just like freaking out. Often medication is started in these individuals after the first seizure. Liver failure may occur in severe cases of toxicity due to the dog's low blood sugar. Most dogs are started on either phenobarbital or potassium bromide but we will take a moment to review the pros and cons of all four of these medications. Approximately 20-30% of dogs on phenobarbital will require a second anti seizure medication to achieve acceptable seizure control. A. Phenobarbital blood levels need to be periodically monitored as higher levels are associated with the development of liver failure. Vomiting 7. Some dogs may drool, run in circles, pace, or become aggressive while in the grip of a canine seizure. Canine Seizures are classified into several categories. In 2016, the American College of Veterinary Internal medicine published a consensus statement on this very subject. If the dog fits into any of these criteria, medication to suppress seizures should be initiated: It should be noted that the German Shepherd dog, Border collie, Australian shepherd, Golden retriever, Irish setter, and Saint Bernard breeds are notorious for difficulty in seizure control. Dogs with petit mal seizures chew imaginary gum, snap at imaginary flies, gaze up at imaginary stars, chase their tails, or suck their flanks. When 2 or more isolated seizures occur within a six month period. The more seizures the patient experiences, the more difficult control becomes in the future. There is collapse, involuntary movement, and often loss of consciousness followed by a period of daze and disorientation. It turns out that while phenobarbital may be a superior seizure drug for people, potassium bromide may be superior for dogs. Diarrhea In later stages, the disease affects the brain and nerves, and dogs may show the following signs: 1. The animal loses consciousness and may urinate or defecate. If you find that your pet has consumed some of it, you should know the risks of what could happen and know whether a trip to the vet or a call to poison control is in order. Last friday he did the same drunken walk but layed down and was i think having a seizure his gums were pale white i put him in a cold shower and he would snap out of it and eat ice cubes. Sugar-free chewing gum should never be eaten by dogs, due to the ingredient Xylitol. For more information on levetiracetam, click here. If the seizures or their post-ictal disorientation periods are particularly severe. He may even lose control of his bowels and bladder. *** POST-ICTAL DISORIENTATION IS THE HALLMARK OF THE SEIZURE ***. Your dog will be dazed and confused, often walking around aimlessly and exhibiting disorientation. These movements are in contrast to the paddling, rhythmic leg movements that are more commonly associated with a seizure. There are, however, some emergency situations: An isolated seizure at home probably does not require more than staying out of the way and keeping the pet from hurting himself but if either situation above occurs, then first aid is needed: Rectal administration of diazepam (valium®). Epileptic seizures in dogs are characterized as repeated episodes of seizures. Veterinary Neurologists at several universities are looking for a genetic answer to epilepsy. Labrador retrievers and Golden retrievers are also predisposed to epilepsy but tend to begin their seizures relatively late, closer to age five. The severity of epilepsy depends on the type of epileptic seizures. when the brain itself is normal) are called Reactive Seizures. Syncopal dogs typically will not have chewing-gum motions of the jaw or increased salivation. Cause can be used once daily allows for twice daily use the long answer is,,. Each chewing gum seizure dog and happened about every hour when 2 or more begin seizures! 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