relational database naming conventions

SQL already provides for the tablename as a qualifier: The first exception is for PKs, they need special handling because you code them in joins, all the time, and you want keys to stand out from data columns. Prefix For example I've always used plural in table names but recently learned singular is correct. However, often administrators are the ones that are creating custom objects, fields, reports, dashboards, workflow rules, profiles and page layouts. the relevance of this will become clear when you start coding. Unary Predicate This is really important because when the server gives you an error message: you know exactly what object was violated, and what it was trying to do: ____blah blah blah error on Customer_Add_tr. AssemblyCode and ComponentCode for two PartCodes. Name the data elements as data, only. Quickly, then. So it is good to get as much understanding as possible at the outset. Other Naming Convention Considerations. It is more intuitive for someone learning the system. If you think of the table as a unit, it holds 'plurals' (because it holds many rows - so a plural name is appropriate). Not scalable at all, but then with Oracle's performance, it is probably "just fine". Document your database design with ER schemas and instructions. Such data items are said to be non-decomposable or atomic. This is a significant part of the process as it prevents errors during data retrieval. Nevertheless, reasons are given for each of the many prescriptions. Further, it indicates that your database is full of surrogates, not relational in those areas. ... Making Sense of the Relational Database Structure is an infographic which shows the relational database … It cannot contain any symbols except digits or … “Vertabelo has been tremendously valuable during a major overhaul of our internal systems. Some of the wonderful things about Standards are: The standard table name refers to each row in the table, which is used in the all verbiage, not the total content of the table (we know that the Customer table contains all the Customers). QGIS 3 won't work on my Windows 10 computer anymore, Powershell window does not open in same position where I last closed it. This is a one to many relationship. Such data items are said to be non-decomposable or atomic. Therefore, to one who is fluent in Standard data models, all the Predicates. Names are not case-sensitive unless case-sensitivity is enabled. Clob: charter large objects, sql server: varchar(max), and access : memo data type. This is not a suggestion that they are not important. Is it possible to bring an Astral Dreadnaught to the Material Plane? specifies that all columns in relational database must be declared upon a defined domain. Implementing a naming strategy. An Idea of wisdom through analytics, Copyright © 2020 Data Analytics Monkidea : Wisdom Through Analytics, it helps all persons understand design structure and provides a, curve. Here is a Data Model, where I have listed the Predicates. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and Use indexes for frequently used queries on big tables. The syntax diagrams use different … There are two major problems in your comment: You declare your example to be "the most trivial", however, it is anything but. What is a 7th chord and why is it important? Conversely, run like hell from anyone who demonstrates little regard for naming conventions or standards. (Databases that are completely embedded in a single app are not databases.) Backed by PostgreSQL or SQLite, it allows you to build your data model consisting of tables, fields and table relationships, as well as a user interface to the database, with a point-and-click, drag-and-drop user interface without writing any code. Also, in most dialects, people prefer snake_case for identifiers, although in SQL Server, people seem to prefer PascalCase or camelCase. Specifically, I'll describe naming conventions for database objects, why they are so important, and what you should and shouldn't be doing.Warning! Predicates (or propositions), are not Facts, they may or may not be true. There is not more correct to use singular than plural form, where have you heard that? You might as well name them abnormal_1, abnormal_2, etc. For a good short description re the proper use of Predicates and how to use them (which is quite a different context to that of responding to comments here), visit this answer, and scroll down to the Predicate section. My answer is predicated on there being a table listing products that the system knows about. So go back a few steps and do that, and name the tables accurately and consistently. Do not confuse them. For example, MYDB.TEMP_EMPLOYEES_QTR4_2000 is a valid two-level SAS name for a data set. Which is why the "theoreticians", who are severely crippled by their text-only mindset, cannot read data models, why they stick to their pre-1984 text-only mindset. Is this what you have not found: I prefer looking at underscore. For this reason, it is helpful to use PostgreSQL naming conventions for tables and columns while discovering entities and entity attributes. Do not use the mapped drive path. For relational databases, this includes describing categories of data and their connections through tables, primary keys, data types, indexes, and other objects. Want to improve this question? If you really have just two tables, so each user's products are unique to that user and never used by anyone else, then (a) you have an unusual scenario, and (b) you only need two tables - you don't need the 'product' table I hypothesized. Develop a naming convention. In this example, there is a foreign key (artist_id) value in the album table that references a non-existent artist — in other words there is a foreign key value with no corresponding primary key value in the referenced table. Entity integrity is an integrity rule which states that every table must have a primary key and that the column or columns chosen to be the primary key should be unique and not null. The primary unit of data in the relational data model is the data item. the relationships between the tables are the, all that can be read directly from the data model (refer my examples at the end), (the Predicate for an independent table (the top-most parent in an hierarchy) is that it is independent). Ok, that is what we call a Key or NextKey table. Avoid using any SQL Server reserved words as object names. For more information see the Add … Relational integrity enforced - By default this is … There is something about the underscore... no matter how much I practice, I'm forced to stop and look at the keyboard. The format is the table or FK name, an underscore, and action name, an underscore, and finally the suffix. Do I have to pay capital gains tax if proceeds were immediately used for another investment? When you look at the indices on a table, you can differentiate them easily. The naming convention that you use affects the method for qualifying file and table names. MySQL database identifiers that you can name include databases, tables, and columns. Which means I will have to add some sense to it, not knowing what you meant, so please bear with me. Naming Conventions (demo) 12:02. And further on, if i would have (for some reason) several product descriptions for each product, would it be "user_product_description" or "product_description" or just "description"? Foreign Keys (the constraint, not the column). Pro Tip: About Naming Conventions. In this post I've put together some of the naming conventions, rules, and ideas that I tend to follow when creating database schemas to work with. This is a diagram of this naming convention which shows why it is called Camel Case. Generally, there are two possible ways for specifying database naming rules. What happened here was that there was an artist called “Aerosmith”, with an artist_id of 4, which was deleted from the artist table. Check out this post to learn more about SQL naming conventions, focusing specifically on example code and the Hungarian Notation. Singular vs. Plural: Pick one and stick with it. Empty space to be avoided. Some SAS names can be up to 32 characters, depending on the SAS session encoding and the limits of the object name length of the DBMS. Names are not case-sensitive unless case-sensitivity is enabled. The primary unit of data in the relational data model is the data item. Of course with the right foreign keys set.. Naming it only description would be problematic since i could also have user description or account description or whatever. General: Commonly used naming conventions. In a future article, we implement the database design from this series in PostgreSQL. If you are involved with SQL and want to simplify it, are tired of conflicting information about data integrity, or just want to make database programming easier, then it is important to know these database naming conventions best practices. This also applies to schema-less databases, distributed systems databases, graph, time series, or whatever else I am working with. 7 min read. While several facets of naming an object deserve consideration, in this article we’ll focus on the most important one: defining a convention and sticking to it. There is never a perfect naming convention, and it will always vary from design to design, but naming conventions are fundamental to maintain the database for running on a long-term basis. Any help is highly appreciated and if there is some sort of naming convention standard out there that you guys recommend, feel free to link. Which are the best practices to set name in a database? use alphanumeric characters only. @Ronnis, would you please elaborate on ""Don't name all keys "ID". Any character that can be used in a relational database field is allowed as part of a member name. You have "suppliers" who do not supply anything; circular references (illegal, and unnecessary); customers buying products without any commercial instrument (such as Invoice or SalesOrder) as a basis for the purchase (or do customers "own" products? Why should I need a third table when having a one to many relation (users have many products) ? You can use either of the two naming conventions in Db2® for i programming: system (*SYS) and SQL (*SQL). Probability Data Science : Step by step week2-3, Descriptive statistics Data Science : Step by step week1, Data Science : Step by step plan | Learn along, Human being a machine learning experience, Probability short course for data analyst, Data visualization: summary table & Mosaic chart, Relative standard deviation.& Coefficient of variation, Variability Vs diversity : Statistical Spread, Data Exploration Introduction & Bias types, Creating the Other schema Objects: Oracle 11g SQL. Why isn't there an official naming convention for database objects? _cac Cache Naming Conventions. If you save your underscores for many-to-many relationships you can do something like: to form a M-to-M between UserProduct and Stuff - not sure from the question the exact nature of the many-to-many required. is normally enforced in a database system by a series of integrity constraints or rules. Amazon Aurora is fully managed by Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), which automates time-consuming administration tasks like hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, and backups. But I prefer typing camelCase. The Help states "We don't like to lose great answers!". Now that I have resolved the tables, I don't understand your problem. An example of a database that has not enforced referential integrity. How Active Record fits into the Model-View-Controller paradigm. However, your DBA may ask you to use a specific naming convention. What Object Relational Mapping and Active Record are and how they are used in Rails. Aliases must be from 1 to 255 characters long. I have read much of the standard materials, and I am fairly versed in relational database theory. database - Relational table naming convention. A Guide to SQL Naming Conventions - DZone Database Database Zone 1. Can you provide reference to any of these "Standards"? 1. Monkidea Analytics Naming conventions & Data integrity ... Domain integrity specifies that all columns in relational database must be declared upon a defined domain. All Content made and distributed on the computerized stages under the URL the versatile site, programs, applications, E-papers, content, and data are the intellectual property of its licensors including copyright and database rights. 4. Active Record schema naming conventions. All names are a maximum of 30 characters long. … Have issues surrounding the Northern Ireland border been resolved? That cannot be reasonably answered in the comment space. For instance, some DBA want the table name to be upper case, or column names to be … Wiring in a new light fixture and switch to existing switches? Do not use NumProduct in one place to indicate number of Products and ItemNo or ItemNumin another place to indicate number of Items. To proceed with this we could use the current naming which are currently used in the. OE_ for the Order Entry cluster, etc. This includes both tables and columns. Part_Comprises_Component_fk A lot of them will also apply to NoSQL databases, though not everything. NULL constraints: must contain a value NOT NULL, probability data science step by step week2 3, human being a machine learning experience, data visualization summary table mosaic chart, observational and second experimental studies, relative standard deviation coefficient of variation, variability vs diversity statistical spread, creating the other schema objects oracle 11g sql, sql as a set oriented language union union all minus intersect, an introduction to sql functions with examples, removing inconsistencies in designing rdbms, origin or sources or top generators of data for analytics, why every business analyst needs to learn r. how to use pivot table in microsoft excel? Is my LED driver fundamentally incorrect, or can I compensate it somehow? _seg Segment A Predicate is a single-clause sentence in simple, precise English, that evaluates to true or false. Entity Framework migration allows generating the database schema from the model. Suffix Note that is such cases the Verb Phrase applies to, and is read as, from parent to parent, ignoring the child table, because its only purpose in life is to relate the two parents. How does the FAA decide if a PPL applicant with ADHD can fly? The namespace is normally the schema where the object is created excepted for an index because it has its own namespace within the schema. Since the description applies to a product, you would use 'product_description'. Saltcorn is a database web application builder. If it is not an Associative Table (ie. Naming has to be same throughout (small cap, large cap, proper). First, with an. Naming conventions. Some SAS names can be up to 32 characters, depending on the SAS session encoding and the limits of the object name length of the DBMS. Numeric: phone numbers, zip coe should be saved as text as we don’t require any calculation. Always use user_id, never id. This means your SQL will be thought of as working on one row from the table. The Leszynski/Reddick Guidelines for Access is the most commonly used naming convention for Access objects. Conversely, the idiotic "table represents predicate" name cannot. SAS Naming Conventions. Are two wires coming out of the same circuit breaker safe? When the selected domain model type is Empty Domain Model , then the second page in the wizard is the Define Relational Naming Settings dialog. Naming has to be same throughout (small cap, large cap, proper), 2. Decorative prefixes like 'rel_' don't really help. Otherwise SO continues to lose good questions/answers, and new ones replace them. That's OK, though it is usually an oversimplification; SQL works on sets (more or less). Look at their designs, and carefully study the naming conventions they use. In a future article, we implement the database design from this series in PostgreSQL. Here's a couple of things to keep in mind. The Relational Model is based on First Order Predicate Calculus (more commonly known as First Order Logic). Further, there are several other Qs re Naming Conventions, all do have a value. database - name - sql server naming convention . That is not a lot of help. The error message is then delightful: ____Foreign key violation on Vendor_Offers_PartVendor_fk. Note that when the seeker is using some demented NonSQL, that has only lowercase, I give that, in which case I include underscores (as per your examples). Keeping in mind the table is named for the single row (relation) and the language refers to each derived row (derived relation): So, if I got a table "user" and then I got products that only the user will have, should the table be named "user-product" or just "product"? There is no need to identify that in the name (otherwise all the tables will be rel_something). Either user_product_description xor product_description will be correct, based on the above. It is important to be consistent across the database. rev 2020.12.18.38240, Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Programming & related technical career opportunities, Recruit tech talent & build your employer brand, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. For general information, see SAS Names and Support for DBMS Names.. Current versions of Hive are case insensitive for comparisons, but case is … Naming Conventions for SAS and Hive. Make Preliminary Tables (and insert the fields into them) Each table holds info about one subject Don’t worry about the quantity of tables Look for logical groupings of information Use a consistent naming convention 15. Therefore an index can have the same name than any other object in the same schema. If you have database naming standards, like all table names should be prefixed by the application prefix, all column names should be lower case, you can easily achieve such standards by implementing a naming strategy. A free Data Analytics resource. How to handle business change within an agile development environment? 3 Know the reserved words which are default used in the DBMS. ); unresolved many-to-many relationships; etc. Therefore naming the table for "the" Predicate that it "represents" is an absurd concept. Note that the table name is not required in the index name, because it always shows up as table_name.index_name. Based on the type of database being built, data modeling is either dimensional (for a relational data warehouse) or transactional (for an OLTP database). Originally a result of the limitations of database management systems (DBMS), these naming schemes - or the lack thereof - have become adopted by convention and tradition. This is a one to many relationship. INSERT INTO foo(id, somedata) VALUES (foo_s.nextval, "data"...). Description. The "theoreticians" are aware of only a few Predicates, they do not understand that since the RM was founded on the FOL, the entire database is a set of Predicates, and of different types. @Noumenon. it is a Dependent Table, therefore user_product. Is Thursday a “party” day in Spain or Germany? There is no need to identify that in the name (otherwise all the tables will be rel_something ). You might be wondering why we need conventions or best practices for naming SQL tables in the first place.Can’t we just name it what we want, and move on?We could do that… but it’s better to have naming conventions for several reasons: 1. Perhaps you can post a specific question. In this post I'll be going into the latter. (a) The question was asked and answered four years ago. Case is the first item to address. _tr Transaction (stored proc or function) But there are many naming conventions, so if you want to use underscores that's OK as long as its done consistently. It’s presented a very refined way and easy to understand. SAS naming conventions allow long names for SAS data sets and SAS variables. So when Customer.UC_CustomerId or Product.U__AK appears in an error message, it tells you something meaningful. What's the most efficient way to safely convert from Datetime2 back to Datetime, How to request help on a project without throwing my co-worker "under the bus". Of course, in those examples, using plural would have solved the issue :). Use the Parent_Child_fk sequence, not Child_Parent_fk is because (a) it shows up in the correct sort order when you are looking for them and (b) we always know the child involved, what we are guessing at is, which parent. An undelimited name must begin with a letter (A through Z). (a) Thank you very much for the explanation, I didn't understand the previous moderator actions. Part_IsConsumedIn_Assembly_fk. Use no more than 1024 bytes when naming non-Unicode-mode dimensions, members, or aliases. The rules for forming a name depend on the type of the object designated by the name and the naming option (*SQL or *SYS). @Andreas: it is often hard to choose good examples, and one of the problems is people's preconceptions about what a product table would contain. Ask questions re naming questions in this thread. The rules I gave for Verb Phrases for relationship names for Associative Tables come into play here. It depends in part on your focus. The user id column could be called USER_ID in the user table and all tables referencing the user. Here is a Predicate vs Table discussion, covering all points mentioned, in summary. The only thing I'm wondering about here is, since I "should" save the underscore for many to many, i "have" to use upper case naming of tables. How to use Active Record models to manipulate data stored in a relational database. For example I've always used plural in table names but recently learned singular is correct. Database Naming Convention Most of the recommendations below should be equally valid for other relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server. Can I legally refuse entry to a landlord? I have users that are applying for different types of applications (can apply for one or more). best learning through example : reference Wikipedia. Btw, that is a very poor method of generating keys. There is no 'correct' about singular vs plural - it is mostly a matter of taste. how to create manipulate and change VBA Array ? Database names starting with an underscore are considered to be system databases, and users should not create or delete those; The maximum allowed length of a database name is 64 bytes; Database names are case-sensitive Naming Conventions Collection and View Names Don't embed type information in names, such as "vc_firstname" for varchar, or "flavour_enum". The Verb Phrase (detailed above) identifies the Predicate, the proposition, that has been implemented (which can be tested via query). Create dictionary file (if they do not exist) - By default this is checked, so please uncheck it. The same goes for tables. could be Implemented through a related table or create a check constraints. SAS naming conventions allow long names for SAS data sets and SAS variables. Three types of integrity constraints are an inherent part of the relational data model: entity integrity, referential integrity and domain integrity. Naming Conventions for Microsoft SQL Server. I would rather say that plural form is more common for naming database tables...and in my opinion also more logic. For this reason, it is helpful to use PostgreSQL naming conventions for tables and columns while discovering entities and entity attributes. entities) in your model I would simply call the tables 'Products' and 'ProductDescriptions'. The table most often contain more than one row ;) In a conceptual model though the names of the entities are often in singular. Refer my data models. Only at the physical level, not the logical (it clutters the model). A basic knowledge of computers. Be very considerate, and name tables and columns very accurately. Follow these naming conventions: An identifier must be from 1 to 127 characters long. @Travis, sure I could, but that entire paragraph is an elaboration? Binary Predicate This makes things easier to understand and maintain. In this post I've put together some of the naming conventions, rules, and ideas that I tend to follow when creating database schemas to work with. (c) We have a naming-conventions tag (d) it may be "opinion-based" for a beginner to answer, but it is a matter of Standards to experienced technical people, whom the seeker is seeking. Use NumSomething for numbers-of, and SomethingNo or SomethingId for identifiers, consistently. A query is a test of a Predicate (or a number of Predicates, chained together) that results in true (the Fact exists) or false (the Fact does not exist). So this is what I have. Name it as such. refers to a set of rules specified by a user, which do not belong to the entity, domain and referential integrity categories. There should also be a table listing the users the system knows about. (b) both the question and the selected answer have high votes. Here, due to the seeker's learning level, I am treating him as an user. And if the first one, what would distinguish this from, for example "user-product"? I have chosen that example because it shows the Existential, etc, Predicates, as well as the Relationship ones, the only Predicates not listed are the Descriptors. Hopefully all the tables in the relational database are pure relational, normalised tables. Start learning Database Design from Scratch! Standard Naming convention Every database object, be it a table, column, index, key or relationship need to be given a naming convention for optimum database design. A database schema serves as a blueprint for the shape and format of data within a database. Use no more than 1024 characters when naming Unicode-mode dimensions, members, or aliases. That "trivial" speculation has several gross Normalisation (DB Design) errors. Below is the naming convention for database object Articles Related Uniqueness Two objects can not have the same name in the same namespace. Refer Linked in the column on the right.. @ChrisF. Currently this is just a very well written personal opinion. Better read it form here. _ separator, If the key is one column or a very few columns: A lot of IT professionals have a good working knowledge of SQL yet lack the foundational knowledge of relational database design. Doctrine Object Relational Mapper Documentation: Implementing a NamingStrategy . Why does 我是长头发 mean "I have long hair" and not "I am long hair"? Further, each table represents, or is the implementation of, many Predicates, not one. MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY Recommended for you Database names must always start with a letter. The 'user_product' table is (or could be) an example of a table with a product ID and a user ID and not much else. And if the first one, what would distinguish this from, for example "user_product"? All other identifier names must be from 1 to 64 characters long. SAS naming conventions allow long names for SAS data sets and SAS variables. Do not prefix the column name with a table name or short code, such as user_first_name. During the process of domain model generation (using the Telerik Data Access New Domain Model wizard). Every database object, be it a table, column, index, key or relationship need to be given a naming convention for optimum database design. Ask them specific questions about anything you do not understand. Having consistent naming conventions across your data model means that developers will need to spend less time looking up the names of tables, views, and columns. It is, after all 2011, we have had Open Architecture since 1984, and databases are supposed to be independent of the apps that use them. Therefore an index can have the same name than any other object in the same schema. ____ColumnNames, If the key is more than a few columns: Also write comment lines for your triggers, stored procedures and other scripts. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. The naming convention that you use affects the … Yes, typically the name is a combination of the two parent table names. All caps is unacceptable. Naturally. You'll see some people using 't_' in front of each table name, for instance. Nobody working with database queries is going to be confused about whether a relation can hold several tuples or not, just because it's named in the singular or the plural. Having clear, concise names for tables, procedures, etc., is important for many reasons. For the rest, the record filing systems, etc, use Parent_Child_fk. Many applications use object-relational mappers (ORM), which have a default naming convention to map class and property names to table and column names. The second set is those that form relationships between Facts. If only one user can have any product then. For general information, see SAS Names and Support for DBMS Names.. I will assume that if the product is made up of components, then the product is an assembly, and the components are used in more than one assembly. However, the album “Eat the Rich” referred to this artist. Never use suffixes on tables, and always use suffixes on everything else. The default names should be ok for lots of people. How do I backup my Mac without a different storage device or computer? And I'd love to hear your opinion on style and naming conventions in the comments! Indices are special, so they have a naming convention of their very own, made up of, in order, each character position from 1 to 3: U Unique, or _ for non-unique Location: Please use the server local path. Do you mean a third table? I'm starting a new project and would like to get my table- and column names right from the start. Mixed case is normal, especially if the tables are directly accessible by the users. The child extremely poor performance and lack of integrity constraints are an inherent part of a name... I know see what a horrible example I took with products: user_likes_product, user_bought_product,.... Data stored in a world with superpowers or Germany known as first Order Predicate Calculus more! ( length ), Access shortText, for example `` user-product '' ( can apply for one or more.. Continues to lose good relational database naming conventions, and columns while discovering entities and entity attributes design errors... 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Correct to use the undifferentiated PartCode for one or more ) conventions or.. Someone learning the system professionals have a good way of doing it: memo type..., we can go with singular for the rest, the idiotic `` represents! ) Thank you very much for the answers to this artist... domain integrity specifies that all columns relational. Fields, are expressed in the relational model is the data item I could, but then with 's! Your opinion on style and naming conventions are primarily the responsibility of same. In relational database field is allowed as part of a database that has not enforced integrity! Using either naming convention that you use affects the method for qualifying and. Sets and SAS variables MySQL database identifiers that you use affects the … general: used... Assuming there are two wires coming out of the Standard materials, and,. Another investment third table when having a one to many ) with only two columns, would! Seeker 's learning level, not one '' is an elaboration use Parent_Child_fk that naming conventions they use romantic in! Always used plural in table names using the convention you detailed user_product_description '' since it also... Corrected them all as they are used in Rails used to specify the naming conventions ( Taken from @! ’ s presented a very poor method of generating keys know see what a horrible example I 've always plural! Its done consistently to Subjects, Verbs, and 'user_product_description ' seem appropriate as table names recently... Will be thought of as working on one row from the table or FK,. Or may not be reasonably answered in the relational data model, not! To true or false, my typical use is to use Active Record to! Verb Phrase ( minus the `` natural '' names the tables, I working. Not the logical ( it clutters the model, relational database naming conventions choose absurd ones from the 80s so?! Any character that can be used in Rails, normalised tables. '' answered Facts. Database design from this series in PostgreSQL that is what we call key! Has its own namespace within the schema Modes - Duration: 5:25 properties. And easy to understand that said plural is wrong though, not a naming-convention question ; that a... Seem to prefer PascalCase or camelCase is checked, so if you are serious, if technically capable tables into! Going into the latter prefer snake_case for identifiers, although in SQL style... Are expressed in the columns of a program containing embedded SQL database theory fundamentally! Pairing in a table listing the users the system gcd implementation from the start data! For variable and function names namespace within the schema are sometimes called `` tables '' states that any foreign-key can. For relationship names for SAS data sets and SAS variables it important entire! Objects has to be same throughout ( small cap, proper ), an underscore and... 255 characters long embedded in a way that the table name, underscore... Apply to NoSQL databases, graph, time series, or aliases 've always used plural table... @ Andreas you do n't really help '' is an elaboration sense it. `` derived relations '', that means only those who can 'read ' Standard.

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