well formed xml document means mcq

An Internal DTD Declaration. Train staff, convert legacy documents, develop DTD, create modular library. What does XML stand for? By definition, if a document is not well-formed, it is not XML. What is well formed XML document? There are two different document type definitions that can be used with XML: Also, this page requires javascript. What are the predefined attributes 14. These rules are: A well-formed XML document must have a corresponding end tag for all of its start tags. Valid XML requires a declaration statement root element and closing tags. only I and II are false. B. XML is designed as a replacement because SGML can not be used for document development. B. XML cannot specify or contain presentation information. An XML document is called well-formed if it satisfies certain rules, specified by the W3C. Well formed XML document means 1. it contains a root element 2. it contain an element 3. it contains one or more elements 4. must contain one or more elements and root element must contain all other elements Level: Easy 8. A name having prefix and local name separated by a colon, C. A name applying only to qualified elements and attributes, E. Schemas provide data oriented data types, A. XML tags identify, store and organize the data. Rules: 1. Valid Documents. Well-formed XML Document An XML document is said to be well-formed if it adheres to the following rules − Non DTD XML files must use the predefined character entities for amp (&), apos (single quote), gt (>), lt (<), quot (double quote). (B) it contain an element. If loading fails, click here to try again. A. XML developed from HTML because WEB browsers became more powerful. You don't need to describe or explain what these tags mean. B. 25. That’s where CDATA comes … Schemas and validation. In XML, the phrase well-formed document is often used to describe a text that follows all the syntactic rules as well-formedness rules in the XML specification: strictly speaking the phrase is tautological, since a text that does not follow these rules is not an XML document. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) cannot be used with XML. A document that includes sequences of markup characters that cannot be parsed or are invalid cannot be well-formed. This function determines whether text is well-formed XML, that is, it conforms to all XML syntax and structuring rules. 2. , B. Please wait while the activity loads. A. What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version? You have not finished your quiz. C. XML is used to describe hierarchically organized information. A DTD defines the structure and the legal elements and attributes of an XML document. All XML documents must have a root element. Free Online XML Validator (Well formed) Validates that an XML document is well formed, if you have a schema use the appropriate validator instead (XSD, RelaxNG or Schematron). The namespace used when two or more namespaces are referenced, C. A namespace that is referenced with the xmlns attribute, but without a prefix, A. 11. C. XML builds on HTMLs ability to provide content to virtually any audience by adding the power of intelligent content. In JavaScript, identifier names are case-sensitive. An XML document is said to be valid if its contents match with the elements, attributes and associated document type declaration(DTD), and if the document complies with the constraints expressed in it. All XML documents must have a root element. Well-formed XML document means (a) it contains a root element (b) it contains an element (c) it contains one or more elements (d) must contain one or more elements and root elements Answer: (d) Well-formed XML document must contain one or more elements and root element must contain all other elements. B. XML is suited to using Web pages as front ends to databases. The string does not have to be a complete XML document. , B. YES. Listing 3.1 Sample Well-Formed XML Document (ch03_01.xml) ... And a parent element can enclose an indefinite number of child elements (which can also mean zero child elements). A DTD defines the structure and the legal elements and attributes of an XML document. What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version? 43. Various hermeneutic questions remain... 1. https://cs-mcqs.blogspot.com/2013/05/web-technologies-solved-mcqs.html It may have an optional XML Declaration prepended. IV. What is a DTD? D. XML performs the conversion of information between different e-business applications. ... the XML document has DTD associated with it & it complies with that DTD (D) Each element must nest inside any enclosing element property Ques 10 : html is markupe language? You can use the IDE to create a well-formed XML document whose structure is determined by a document type definition (DTD). I. XML tags are case-insensitive. A "well formed" XML document is not the same as a "valid" XML document. Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed? An expression that returns a well-formed XML document with a data type of CHAR, VARCHAR, or CLOB(256 KB). Discussion Board: IE 6.0 XML document can be viewed in IE 6.0. They are − Well-formed XML document; Valid XML document; Well-formed XML Document. Trivia Quiz On XML Test For Beginners! It is an updated version of Internet Explorer. Extensible Markup Language. Ways to create templates for out does type. , B. You can see the correct answer by clicking view answer link. only III and IV are false only I and III are false None of the above. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) cannot be used with XML. 12. Well formed XML document means . An XML schema gives the definition of an XML document, and it has following: • Elements and attributes • Elements that are child elements • Order of child elements • Data types of elements and attributes. Valid Documents . When WriteStartDocument is called, the writer validates that what you are writing is a well-formed XML document. An XML document is defined as: This means that the above definition of "valid" is only applicable to XML documents, that is, to well-formeddata objects. Validation is dealt in two ways by the XML parser. CORRECT ANSWER : An XML document must contain one or more elements and root element must contain all other elements. (notice that single quote, ', is also allowed) b. Options - IE 3.0 - IE 2.0 - IE 6.0 - IE X.0 CORRECT ANSWER : IE 6.0. XML is well-formed if meets the requirements for all XML documents set out by the standards - so things like having a single root node, having nodes correctly nested, all nodes having a closing tag (or using the empty node shorthand of a slash before the closing angle bracket), attributes being quoted etc. In this guide we will learn what is a valid xml, what are the rules and the ways to check for a valid XML document. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. To create a DTD-constrained XML document: From the main window, choose File > New File. 3. An XML document with correct syntax is known as valid XML document. Well-formed XML documents adhere to the syntax requirements. Validates that an XML document is well formed. Well formed XML document means 8. This means that there is no such thing as an XML document that is not well formed, and XML processors are not required to process these documents. Being able to generate schema means you can form and use your XML to dictate how the structure looks. Well-Formedness and Entities. Lets see few important rules to check for syntax errors. Creating valid XML means that you may have to create portions of the file that are designated as simple character data, rather than a defined type of data. They must already be well-formed, so all the rules above apply. Transiently for XML(SEQUENCE) values, that might not be well-formed XML(DOCUMENT(ANY)) values. Best XML Multiple choice Questions and Answers. Valid XML files are well-formed files which have a Document Type Definition (DTD) or Schema and which conform to it. A. : ... Well formed XML document means A. it contains a root element B. it contain an element With a DTD, independent groups of people can agree on a standard DTD for interchanging data. All entities must be properly referenced. If this is your whole web.xml, it's definitely not well-formed, as it's missing the root element. Document type declaration in XML: c. Ways to create templates for out does type: d. None of these : View Answer Report Discuss Too Difficult! If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. 2. What can you call the set of rules that an XML document must follow to be valid? About data objects that are not (well-formed) XML documents, the definition of "valid" doesn't say anything. Well formed XML document means 8. None of the special syntax characters such as < and & appear except when performing their markup-delineation roles. A valid file begins with a Document Type Declaration specifying a DTD, or code specifying a W3C Schema. D. XML is the modern replacement for HTML and SGML, taking the good points from each, making both of those languages obsolete. I. XML tags are case-insensitive. What is a DTD? Free Online XML Validator (Well formed) Validates that an XML document is well formed, if you have a schema use the appropriate validator instead (XSD, RelaxNG or Schematron). Below are few Xml MCQ test that checks your basic knowledge of Xml.This Xml Test contains around 20 questions of multiple choice with 4 options.You have to select the right answer to a question. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. The XML specification defines an XML document as a well-formed text, meaning that it satisfies a list of syntax rules provided in the specification. An XML parser is used to Ques 6 : Well formed XML document means (A) it contains a root element. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT companies.

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