what makes you impure islam

The blood which is sometimes seen while milking an animal is impure and makes the milk impure. However, if you are not sure and just have conjecture that the garment has been purified as per religious requirement, the previously impure garment will still be considered impure and praying in it would not be valid. 94. 43. 123. As far as beer (fuqa') is concerned, it is impure on the basis of precaution; however, there is no doubt in it being haram. Istibra’ (The Process of Cleaning the Urethra), Confining (Istibra’ ) of an Animal Which Eats Impurities, Coming out of Blood of a Slaughtered Animal in Normal Quantity, Ablutions Through Immersion (Wudhu’ Irtimasi), Orders Regarding Janabat (Ceremonial Uncleanness), Unlawful Acts for Ceremonially Unclean Person (Junub), Bath for Ceremonial Uncleanness (Janabat). A consensus has been reached on this by the scholars of Islam. You’re right that every impure thing is haram for eating or consumption, but to say that semen is an impure thing just because it comes from the penis has no basis at all. When a wound is healing and pus (a yellow substance) being gathering round it, that substance is pure if it is not own whether there is any blood in it. 93. A single wash can purify the hand and the clothes that have become impure by licking of a dog. If there are two things about which one does not know as to which of them is pure and which of them is impure and later a damp thing which is pure touches one of them that thing does not become impure. Sister, had you been taught since you were child that Islam is a difficult religion to follow with tons and tons of rules and breaking the simplest of them would earn Allahs anger? 132. 130. As for the statement of Allah … Although it is impure on a spiritual level and drinking it is one of the major sins in Islam, there is no evidence stating that it’s physically impure. 125. It is prohibited to eat or drink or make others eat or drink something which has become impure. You can assume the ritual purity (taharat) of any person that you meet and shake hands with (even if that person's hand is wet) as long as you do not know his faith and religion - in such cases you can assume that he might be a Muslim or one of the Ahlul Kitab. 6. When syrup or oil (ghee) is in such a condition that if some quantity of it is removed their space does not remain vacant, their entire quantity, will become impure immediately when even their slightest part becomes impure. Ahmadiyyas, Quranists, "Nation of Islam" followers, Druze, and Bahai's can also say the Shahada in complete sincerity, so unless you are claiming they are all Muslims, simply believing in the statement "Allah is the only god and Muhammad is his messenger" without interpretation and clarification, is not sufficient to define who is a true Muslim. 2 – Breaking wind from the anus (farting). I've always grown up with pet cats and I fall in love with every single one I meet. 113. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. Question: The people residing in Europe are of different faiths, nationalities and religions; and when we buy moist or wet food items, the shopkeeper may touch it with his hands. The only difference is that if it is purified by the qalil water [e.g., from a jug or a glass], then the water removed from the carpet will be considered najis as a confirmed opinion and not as an obligatory precaution. 144. If the host comes to know, while the meals are being taken, that the food is impure, he should inform the guests about it. Najis Mukhaffafah or light impure is an impure that comes from the urine of a … If a person does not know whether blood has dried under the skin or the flesh has assumed such a shape owing to hurt, it is pure. It’s known to flow out from any woman that is nine years and above age-wise. The food you put into your mouth doesn't make you unclean and unfit to worship God. Such a clothes, need to be rinsed if it is purified by little water. In this case, there is no need to remove the water by using a piece of cloth or vacuum cleaner, etc. 122. The semen of human beings and of every animal, whose blood gushes when its great - is cut, is impure. 114018. The dogs and pigs which live on land are impure and even hair, bones, paws and nails and every liquid substance of their body is impure. However, if the thing falls under the category of dress it is not necessary for him to inform the owner about its having become impure although he may be knowing that the owner uses it while offering prayers because purity of dress is not the real condition for prayers. For example, if the right hand of a person becomes wet with urine and then, while still wet, it touches his left hand, the left hand will also become impure. 104. If there is the slightest quantity of blood m the egg of a hen its we should be avoided m accordance with obligatory precaution. But many Muslims, including me, don't even know why its so forbidden. 126. It’s what comes out of our hearts. Question: In the West, there are many public laundry places in which Muslims and non-Muslims wash their clothes. If a carpet or a mattress becomes najis by urine of an infant child that mostly gets nutrition by breast-feeding, then it can be purified by sprinkling water - even if it is little - on it until it covers the najis area. Any person, who abuses any of the twelve holy Imams on account of enmity, is impure. Nevertheless, it is difficult to apply this order to those things which have not acquired impurity from the first impure thing, although it is necessary to avoid them as an obligatory precaution. If a person eats or drinks something impure or offers prayers with impure dress it is not necessary for another person to inform him (about his food or dress being impure). They replied: The basic principle concerning it is that it is pure and we do not know of any evidence to suggest that it is impure. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al-Islam.org, please donate online. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. Answer: If it is possible to wipe the water off the carpet by using a piece of cloth or a vacuum cleaner, it can be purified with qalil water, provided that the water is wiped off the carpet, in the process. You can follow this ruling when dealing with them. Answer: It is permissible to buy, sell and use it; however, the mouth will become impure by using it; and the mouth will become pure by taking that toothbrush out and getting rid of the remaining toothpaste from the mouth. Animals that died naturally (e.g., not killed in the Islamic manner) are impure, as … Question: Where does the domino effect of mutanajjis items stop when it is no longer wet?1. A validation e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address. Furthermore, we do not know whether or not chemical change has taken place in the manufacturing process. Hence, if the excreta of a rat falls on it, only that portion will become impure on which the excreta has fallen and the rest will remain pure. Holman Christian Standard Bible This answer by a khair from Islam-qa.com, tells us of how dangerous pigs can be to the human brain and death… may be washed to remove dirt, but dirt itself is not considered najis. 65. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. If the mother, father, paternal grandmother and paternal grandfather of a minor child are all infidels that child is also impure, except that he should be conscious of professing Islam. But if, after taking out some quantity, a part of such a thing becomes vacant, only that part of it will become impure which has acquired impurity, even though the space which becomes vacant is filled up later. 50. 105. If the blood, which dries under the nail or skin on account of hurt, assumes such a shape that it can no longer be called blood it is pure; but if it is called blood it is impure. Beer, which is prepared from barley, is called "Ab-i-Jaw' is impure. 48. Similarly, it is necessary to wash the body twice -even when washed in kurr water- while purifying if it has become najis because of urine. Answer: The clot of blood inside the egg is pure, but it is haram [for consumption]. Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, In Sharh al-Muhadhdhab v. 2, p. 552, Imam Nawawi related that there is an ijma’ [consensus] established that madhi is an impurity. 108. Wine and date wine (nabiz), which intoxicate a person, are impure and on the basis of obligatory precaution everything, which is originally liquid and intoxicates a person, is impure. A well known religious law says: "Everything is ritually pure for you unless you come to know that it is ritually impure." Answer: As long as it is not known that the hands of the shopkeeper were najis, the food is to be considered tahir. 99. Residing in a non-Muslim country makes the process of maintaining purity difficult for some Muslims as they deal with its non-Muslim citizens in various situations of their day-to-day life: in restaurants, cafes, barber's shops, laundrettes, and, in public baths and utilities, etc. And m case a hole appears m the nail or the skin and it is difficult to take out blood and to purify that spot for the purpose of ablutions or ceremonial bath one should perform tayammum. 57. utensils which are used for eating and drinking) it is obligatory for the borrower to inform the owner about its having become impure. It is possible to purify the carpet or the mattress which has become najis by the elements that do have a mass (i.e., do leave marks or stains like blood or semen) by the same method as mentioned in No. 39. Or anything! has changed one of its three characteristics: odor, color or taste. Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. While, it is an impurity which one can purify from. 68. 91. Purity (Arabic: طهارة ‎, ṭahāra (h)) is an essential aspect of Islam. © Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2020. Please explain the ruling in both cases. Similarly if the wetness of the thing which has become impure in this way touches a third thing that third thing will also become impure. 106. As well as being entertaining to have around, they're also very useful to us. A drop of alcohol on your body doesn't make you impure. Question: Some soaps contain pigs' fat or other animals not slaughtered Islamically. And if the wetness is so little that it does not reach the other thing being touched the pure thing will not become impure, even if it touches the original impurity. Najasa refers to impure substances that Muslims must avoid and wash off after coming into contact with them. 41. 117. I'm unashamedly a huge cat-lover. However, if un spite of knowing the legal position he is doubtful whether or not a thing is pure - for example if he is doubtful whether a thing is blood or not, or does not know whether it is the blood of a Mosquito or of a human being - the thing is pure and it is not necessary to make investigation or enquiry about it. An impure thing remains impure if one doubts about its having become pure or not. And similar is the case with one who denies Prophethood or one of the necessities of religion i,e. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. Question: Can the clothes washed with liquid detergent in laundry facilities owned by a non-Muslim be considered tahir while knowing that Muslims as well as non-Muslims wash their clothes there? If a thing enters the body and reaches an impurity but has no trace of impurity in it when it comes out of the body it is pure. The Ahlul Kitab (that is, the Jews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians) are ritually pure (tahir) as long as you do not know that they have become ritually impure (najis) by coming into contact with an impure object. However, we can only use pure water in order to purify ourselves and our clothes. Answer: They are not counted among the People of the (Revealed) Books (the Ahlul Kitab). a thing like prayers, and fasting, which are considered by the Muslims to be a part of the religion of Islam when he knows at thing is a necessity of religion. If a lamb or a kid dies before it is able to graze the rennet (cheese) available in its abomasus (stomach) is pure. 1 – Any najasah, liquid or solid matter coming out of the penis and anus like urine, feces, sperm, madi, blood, etc. Firstly, there are people who are born in Muslim homes and thus they receive the blessing of religion from their parents. Is it permissible for us to pray in the clothes washed in such facilities, especially when we have no knowledge whether or not the washing machines are connected to the kurr water2 at some stages of the washing, and whether or not it purifies the clothes in the process of washing? [In the latter case, is not removable, then the egg becomes haram.]. However, since vaginal discharge is a common quandary among Muslim women and a subject of controversy among the scholars, I wanted to write a separate entry on this. If an impure thing though it may be a sort of food-stuff can be washed with water there u no harm in informing the other man about its being impure at the time of selling or lending it to him. As soon as the kurr water covers the najis area, it will become pure [and the water will also be considered as pure]. However, if that hand touches another wet thing it is difficult to say that thing will become impure, although, oh the basis of obligatory precaution, it is necessary to avoid that thing. Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. Answer: There is no doubt about the impurity of alcoholic drinks. Additionally, a menstruating woman is not dirty, but rather from a legal perspective, she is ritually impure for the duration that she is menstruating. In Jewish law, ṭumah (Hebrew: טומאה ‎, pronounced ) and ṭaharah (Hebrew: טהרה ‎, pronounced ) are the state of being ritually "impure" and "pure", respectively. What if the previous occupant was a Bhuddhist or an atheist who does not believe in God and the prophets? Similarly, [you can pray in] the impure clothes [that were washed in the public laundry machines] provided that you are reassured: a. that the impure element, if any, has been washed away; b. that the pure water covered the entire impure area twice (if it had become impure by urine and even if the water was connected to kurr source as an obligatory precaution) or just once (if it had become impure by other elements); c. and that the water was removed from the clothes by wringing or other similar method [i.e., spinning of the machine] if it was qalil. You have to do this twice so that the clothes restore their taharah. 145. This has legal consequences and not spiritual consequences. Question: Can Muslim, who rents a fully furnished house in the West, consider everything in it to be ritually pure as long as he does not find any trace of impure things in it, even if the previous occupant was from Ahlul Kitab, i.e., a Christian or a Jew? Therefore, the egg can be eaten by removing the blood from it, provided it not very minute and been absorbed in it. 44. Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. There are three ways of proving the impurity of something: (i) One should personally believe that something is impure. Can we consider such leather pure? 40. 141. Can such soaps be considered tahir? Those liquid medicines, perfumes, ghee, soap and polish which are made in non-Islamic countries are pure, provided that one is not sure of their being impure. Make ablution everytime you pray to … If an ewer or a vessel which has a hole in its bottom is placed on impure earth and its water ceases to flow and the water which collects under it gets mixed with the water in the ewer the water inside the ewer will become impure. Just conjecture or doubt about impurity is of no value. However, barley-water which is extracted by the physicians by a special method and is called 'Maush-Sha'ir' is pure. You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. 90. The water that has been wiped off from the clothes (while purifying it two times) will be considered najis on the basis of obligatory precaution, if there is no urine in them. However, the blood which goes back into the body of the animal owing to its inhaling its breath, or on account of its head having been at a higher level at the time of its slaughtering, is impure. are pure. Taharat & Najasat: Ritual purity & impurity, Dealing with laws in non-Muslim countries, Specimen of the Answers of His Eminence Ayatullah as-Sistani to some of the questions in this Book, List of Main Haram Ingredients Used in the Manufacturing of Food, Explanation on Ingredients and Preservatives Used in Food Products, A Code of Practice For Muslims in the West. If he follows the ruling of the Maliki Madhhab regarding purification of impurity, his salats will be valid because impurity does not affect salat in the Maliki Madhhab. However, touching a dog doesn't make you lose your wudu. 129. 142. Is there a solution for it? 133. (iii) If two just persons say about something that it is impure or one just or one reliable person (even though he may not be just) says that it is impure, it is necessary to avoid it. 148. 47. Conversely the water will be considered najis as a confirmed opinion. Jesus used the moment to teach a very important principle: it’s not material things that go into our bodies that make us impure. And the verse of the Qur'an 7:157 which you alluded to does not prove semen to be one of the filthy or impure things. 59. Question: If a dog licks my body or clothes, how should I purify it? 138. 119. An infidel i.e. Such the treatment is done on impure that is on … The perspiration of a person, who becomes ceremonially unclean owing to an unlawful act, is pure, but on the basis of recommended precaution prayers should not be offered with it, and similarly sexual intercourse with a woman in her menses amounts to ceremonial uncleanness on account of an unlawful act. 95. 42. And the well-known remark of the religious scholars is that the thing which becomes impure owing to its contact with an original impurity makes the other thing impure (i.e. Are we allowed to say salat in them? Question: A toothbrush that contains bristles from the hair of a pig: is it permissible to buy, sell and use it? If the carpet and the mattress become najis by the elements that do not have a mass (i.e., do not leave any marks or stains on the carpet or the mattress), it can be purified by sprinkling water over it from a kettle or a jug once until the pure water covers the impure area, and then wipe the water away by using a piece of cloth or a vacuum cleaner, etc. But not all haraam things in Islam are impure for example: gold and silk are declared haraam for the believing men in Islam, but gold and silk in their essence are not impure substances. It is said that some European countries import cheap leather from Muslim countries and then use it for manufacturing various products. in the month of Ramazan during fast) his perspiration is not equivalent to the perspiration of one who becomes ceremonially unclean owing to an unlawful act. 131. It is also permissible to eat such food if the amount of alcohol is very minute. (ii) The person in whose possession a thing is should say that it is impure. Conversely, it must be purified by kathir water [i.e., by using a hose pipe connected to the tap]. 116. Same is the case with a melon, cucumber etc. See I'm sitting in the student room, asking you what your dad might say/ask. The title of the page is 'masturbation in Islam' I'm sitting with my back to the door. 36. Islam highly promotes the concept of purity. IMPORTANT : All content hosted on Al-Islam.org is solely for non-commercial purposes and with the permission of original copyright holders. 49. 103. If a person who has become ceremonially unclean on account of unlawful act performs tayammum instead of ceremonial bath and perspires after performing tayammum his perspiration will be governed by the same orders which applied to his perspiration before he performed tayammum. 64. 143. 88. Same is the case with saliva and water of the nose if it reaches blood within the body, but does not contain blood when it comes out of the body. Being unable to find a clean garment is a darurat (necessity, inevitability prescribed by Islam). Hence, it is necessary to avoid them also. Writing the holy Qur'an with impure ink, even though it may be only one letter of it, amounts to make it impure. 55. And in case a child or an insane person eats or drinks an impure thing on his own account, or makes food impure with his impure hands and then eats or drinks if, it is not necessary to stop him from doing so. The urine and faeces of the following living beings are impure: (i) Human beings (ii) The animal, whose meat is unlawful to eat, and whose blood gushes out when its great artery is cut. Should not be done excessively as it causes harm to the mouth or other parts of the body and therefore should be avoided. If a person knows that out of the two vessels or two dresses, both of which are used by him, one has become impure but cannot identify it he should refrain from using both of them. If a person becomes ceremonially unclean on account of an unlawful act and then has sexual intercourse with a woman who is lawful for him the recommended precaution for him is that he should not offer prayers with that perspiration and if he has sexual intercourse in the first instance with a woman who is lawful for him and then commits the unlawful act his perspiration cannot be treated as the perspiration of a person who has become ceremonially unclean on account of the unlawful act. 102. However, if, for example, he does not know whether it is his own dress, which has become impure or the dress which is no longer possessed by him and is the property of some other person, it is not necessary that he should refrain from using his own dress. And as long as you are not sure that it has become ritually impure (najis), it is to be considered pure and you can apply all the rules of purity to it without any hesitation or doubt. Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, 6/416 128. You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. As for pigs, no source can be found talking about pigs. 120. The blood of a human being and of every animal whose blood gushes out when its great artery is cut is impure. In our School, it is necessary that it be washed and merely splashing water on it does not suffice. 121. Following the example of a shoe's sole that can be purified by walking on the earth, would the same rule apply to car tires? A person about whom it is not known whether he is a Muslim or not is pure. However, if after becoming dry, the left hand touches under-Kurr water, that water will also become impure. Question: Are the Sikhs considered to be among the followers of the past revealed religions like the Jews and the Christians? 67. When do clothes become impure islam When do clothes become impure islam @Sayyid, this does say dog is impure. 56. Although the perspiration of a camel which eats human excrement and the perspiration of every animal which is habituated to eat human excrement is pure but it is not permissible to offer prayers with it. However, if the water inside the ewer continues to flow it will not become impure. © Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2020. 58. If a part of the holy Qur'an, or anything else which is entitled to respect (for example a paper on which the names of Almighty Allah or the Holy Prophet or the holy Imams are written), falls in a lavatory, it is obligatory to take it out and purify it with water no matter what expenses it may entail. Not suffice repent and who purify themselves ( 2:222 ) pure water in order to gain access. 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