cat goddess names

It’s a hard distinction to make sometimes. Wiccan cat names will thrill you to bits. They can even be trained to walk on leashes — which isn’t quite the same as riding into battle, but getting a leash on your cat might count as a battle. Although we see the goddess Bastet as the Egyptian cat god, as a deity she was goddess of protection, pleasure, and good health. Cronus. Typhon. Li Shou - A Chinese goddess represented as a cat. That’s some feline-comfortable living; wherever they’re present, cats seem to have an innate ability to convince humans to treat them like royalty. 2. But there were many others. The practice of worshipping cat gods is also present in Japanese mythology, a practice known as Shintoism. Bastet, a prominent cat goddess from Ancient Egypt, is probably the most famous of all the cat gods. Few societies have praised cats as much as ancient Egypt, so it is common (and fitting) for people to choose Egyptian names for cats, Egyptian cat god names or Egyptian cat goddess names. As an extra precaution, funeral goers would sometimes play an instrument known as a myohachi, similar to a cymbal, to keep the monsters away. Other versions of this Goddess names include: Bastet, Baset, Ubasti and … Well, more of an air of authority and disdain than a typical cat. Bastet, a prominent cat goddess from Ancient Egypt, is probably the most famous of all the cat gods. The kasha is a yokai, or a supernatural monster, spirit, or demon in Japanese folklore. At night, when Ra was resting, Bastet would morph into her cat form and protect her father from his greatest enemy, Apep the serpent. Adio – it means ‘righteous’. Naming your cat is a personal thing and it is not easy [...], Warriors cat title (title is one or more words used before or after a) gener [...], Finest lady (word lady is a term of respect for a girl or woman, the) kitten [...], Cat breeds - Abyssinian These ancient Greeks viewed their goddess Artemis the way the Egyptians viewed thier cat goddess Bastet. Egyptian cat names are perfect for your precious feline friend, and are likely to be unique and interesting. They can also jump as high as eight feet, which is about as close to being in the sky as any housecat will get. Nowadays, it’s really not much different — we don’t worship or fear them anymore, but we do arrange our lives around them. Abyssinians are a modern cat breed that look a lot like little lions, mimicking Sekhmet’s earthly appearance. Our ancestors saw them as either regal demi-gods to be worshipped and protected, or fierce monsters to be wary of. Parvati - The Hindu goddess of beauty rode a lion. Between its pyramids and hieroglyphics, the Ancient Egyptian civilization that existed for thousands of years before Rome has given us many memorable cat gods and goddesses. Bast was a very sensual Goddess who enjoyed music, dance and perfume. In general, the cats form a less prominent role in this pantheon, but the deities coming from the subcontinent were powerful entities that had a close connection to humanity. However, her role was to create the fire of Ra’s eye (the sun) as well as to destroy all of his enemies. Religion/Culture: Japanese mythologyRealm: The spirit worldModern Cat Breed: Chausie. Cat's HomeMy staff - Humorous and hys [...], © 2017 Cat's names. Elli meaning "stranger". Nam [...], Cute calico cat names They have big almond-shaped eyes and coats with very deep colors, which is due to the fact that their individual hairs are striped. The kasha revealed their true forms during funerals, when they’d leap down from their perches to snatch corpses from coffins; it’s believed that a person whose body had been stolen would not be able to enter the afterlife. Ammit would devour the hearts of the impure. It’s like they were each made to match the personality of any cat. She was also known by several different names including Bastet, Basthet, Boubastis Ubasti and Pasht. Known for rampaging and killing without regret or remorse, Nergal — according to one myth — was feeling stagnant and bored one day, and so decided to disguise himself and go to the city of Babylon. Their sleek, stately appearance makes them regal enough to represent a god and receive worship like Bastet. Themistocles. The breed also originated near the Nile River. A list of funny cat names for boy cats! Human girl names are great for cats. Mishipeshu is a supernatural creature from Ojibwa legends whose name means “great lynx.” It looks like a cougar with horns, and its back and tail are covered in scales instead of fur — sometimes it was said that Mishipeshu’s horns and scales were made of pure copper. The goddess cat in Egyptian mythology is well known in the world of mythology. 53. The kasha also sometimes served as messengers of the underworld, collecting the corpses of evil people. Although lesser known than the goddess Bastet, Mafdet is thought to have had cults in her name long before Bastet started being worshipped, giving her a much bigger footprint on Egyptian mythology and history. We create beautiful images of them. Accessed December 24, 2020. Cats have very unique mannerisms. Nepit: goddess of grain. Whether your newly adopted cat has egyptian traits or not, here are several beautifully symbolic egyptian names for your female cat:. Like the kasha, you have to keep an eye on them. Eventually Bastet and Sekhmet were characterized as two aspects of the same goddess, with Sekhmet representing the powerful warrior and protector aspect and Bastet, who increasingly was depicted as a cat, representing a gentler aspect. Mafdet - An Egyptian goddess of protection with a lion's head and human body. On top of it all, Highlanders are built like Mishipeshu, too — they’re a very muscular breed. Artemis – The Huntress. And, they can hide their true forms, transforming into regular house cats to live among humans. You’ve likely seen images of her in her most common form, with the head of a cat and the body of a woman. Cats in Egypt held a special importance to the people, as they still do today in most cultures — just think of how people react when they see a black cat on the street. Erda - If your cat has healing powers, name her after this goddess of healing. What makes the Savannah cat the best choice to be Mafdet’s cousins is its coat. Simply flip Goddess names for cats or leach the names by half of the names, we trust you get your excellent cat title right here. Freyja is associated… with the cat (the lore does not give us the names of the cats who draw her cart– in Brisingamen I assigned them the names “Tregul” (Tree-gold, or Amber) and “Bygul” (Bee-gold, or Honey)… Some people like to give them the names of her daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi (both names meaning “treasure”). If your web page requires an HTML link, please insert this code: Cat Gods, Gods of Death How old is the United States of America? The two main breeds still common today which come from Egypt are … Cats occupy a special place in Norse mythology literature as cats were the most loved animal of the Goddess of fertility. BASTET) (BAHST or BAHS-tet; Female): Mother of all cats, embodiment of the warmth of sunshine, and goddess of the East, this deity in cat form was one of the most popular in all of Egypt. If she has black fur, you can name her Black Agnes after the countess who defended Dunbar castle. Female Greek Cat Names. We bring them offerings of food and trinkets. There are three different ways you can cite this article. Religion/Culture: Hinduism Realm: The goddess ParvatiModern Cat Breed: ToygerCousin: Toyger. Oedipus. Evidence of cat gods being worshipped can be found in many of the cultures prominent in North America during ancient times, showing that worshipping cats was a worldwide phenomenon. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: 3. Dawon serves as Parvati’s steed in battle, and it attacks enemies with its claws and fangs. These feisty cats are a good representation of the vindictive Babylonian god, although the extent of their destructiveness is usually limited to a room in your house rather than an entire city. Dogs and babies works very differently. The mother cat looks at you with disdain because she is a cat and you are a mere human. You don’t have to be a Wiccan to adopt these names for your cat. He was beyond the understanding of both the other gods and mortals, and so humans could stay secure in their faith while being able to attach some kind of explanation to otherwise indiscriminate violence or anguish. It was thought to live in the depths of large lakes. They’re also very mischievous, as they’re especially bright and will get up to no good when you’re not around. She was the goddess of war and would protect the pharaohs of Egypt as she led them into battle. For this reason, she was the goddess Egyptians turned to when they needed to “cure” a problem in their lives. Sun Dec 20 2020 By Gondolin. It could also work for a regal female cat who enjoys the occasional yowl at the moon or romp through the night air. The cat head goddess bast was protective of her followers, but promised destruction to their enemies. Ancient Egyptian Cat Names and Meanings Female Cat Names. Whether you have a male or female cat, we have cute cat names, orange cat names, and even warrior cat names to help capture your pet's personality. A Patron Goddess of fire fighters due to the unusual Egyptian belief that if a cat ran through a burning household she would draw the flames out behind her. BAST A.k.a. It seems to be true that cats have always had a big influence in our lives. Luna is the Latin name for the moon. iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order Mason-Dixon Line The History of Guns, The Compromise of 1877: A Political Bargain Seals the Election of 1876, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, The First Movie Ever Made: Why and when films were invented, The History of Hollywood: The Film Industry Exposed. She is usually represented as a woman having the head of a cheetah, with braided hair that ends in scorpion tails. Either way, ancient humans shaped some of their beliefs and behaviors around cats. Bygul meaning "honey". Are we talking about gods, or cats, or cat gods? When they get bored, they might start acting naughty to get your attention, or even just to entertain themselves. She provided protection against snakes, scorpions, and other dangerous animals — in fact, it was thought that all it took to kill a snake was a grazing strike from her claws. Plus, they’re very curious around water and even like to swim sometimes. … He was often known as “the furious king” and was frequently invoked for protection, while also being called “the burner” for his association with the high summer sun — and his penchant for mindless destruction. They would offer food and drink at her altars, playing music and burning incense. Beyla meaning "Goddess of bees". If your cat is named after her, she will dominate. At first, these gods were represented by lionesses. The Norse goddess Freyja, deity of love, fertility, war, wealth, divination … We stand at their beck and call. Generally the title pops to your thoughts and typically you want a teeny zeal. Religion/Culture: Ancient Egyptian MythologyRealm: Goddess of protection, pleasure, and good healthModern Cat Breed: Serengeti. All they’re missing to complete the picture are some horns and scales. She was half feline, half woman and everybody worshiped her. We show our adoration for their blessings and fear their wrath. As very active cats, an Abyssinian might enjoy the music (and definitely the food) offered at one of the shrines made to them. The name Pasht is the root of our word passion, linking this Goddess to physical pleasure. Norse Goddess Cat Names. Religion/Culture: OjibwaRealm: Goddess of water, protection, winterModern Cat Breed: Highlander Shorthair. In myths, it’s said she would ride through the sky with her father Ra — the sun god — protecting him as he flew from one horizon to the other. Our next Egyptian cat goddess, Mafdet, whose name means “the runner,” would rip out the hearts of wrongdoers and deliver them to the pharaoh’s feet. They’re also very loud and meow and cry often. Another culture that also has a cat goddess is Hinduism — an ancient religion practiced mainly in India. So, whether you have an Egyptian mau (the Egyptian word for cat) or just want to be inspired by your feline's history, it only makes sense to choose an Egyptian cat name for your own cat goddess.. 35 Egyptian Cat Names for Your Egyptian Goddess -- Um, I Mean Your New Cat! When you find the article helpful, feel free to share it with your friends or colleagues. Bast — Egyptian solar and war Goddess (in the form of a cat) Baubo — Greek Goddess of mirth, jests, and bawdy humour. Naming your cat is a private factor and it is not straightforward to discover a good (most contexts, the concept of good denotes the conduct) kitten (kitten is a juvenile cat) identify. It is a huge creature — the size of a human or bigger — that looks like a cat. But to understand how important they were to your average Egyptian, let’s meet their cat gods. This is a great resource for anyone looking for an unusual name with history and depth and will continue to get better as the list grows. There, he found the god king of the city, Marduk, who would have known it was him if not for the disguise and driven him (and his destructive nature) out of the city. Interestingly, she was also associated with healing and medicine. With Marduk out of the way on the opposite side of the city, Nergal rampaged through Babylon, indiscriminately leveling buildings and killing citizens. Anukis (ann-you-kiss): Was the Goddess of the Nile. There’s something about our feline friends that makes us as willing to respect their wishes as our ancestors were to respect the gods. Sometimes our cats’ behaviors can be beyond our understanding too. Whether you have a male or female cat, we have cute cat names, orange cat names, and even warrior cat names to help capture your pet's personality. Marduk, embarrassed, agreed and resolved to go to a tailor. Bast (Egyptian) - The famous cat Goddess, she protected pregnant woman and children. Freyja’s cat-driven chariot. We feed them, spoil them, buy them toys and houses, and even clean their litter-boxes. This concept concludes that all … The name Luna would be a nice name for a female cat with silvery or mottled fur that resembles the moon’s surface. Bastet was worshipped as the protector goddess of … Probably the first cat goddess that comes to mind for most people is Bast (Bastet), the Egyptian cat goddess of the home, women, children and pleasure. The goddess cat was highly admired and respected. Mishipeshu was the cause of waves, whirlpools, rapids, and generally turbulent waters; sometimes breaking the ice under people during the winter. Sekhmet - The Egyptian goddess of war who had the head of a lion. Her physical, earthly form, is entirely feline. Ovinnik - A Slavic god represented by a black cat who protected farm animals. Everybody heard at least once about Bastet, but few know that she was the Cat Goddess. Bastet was usually seen carrying a sistrum — an ancient instrument that was like a drum — in her right hand and an aegis, a breastplate, in her left. Freya - The main goddess, Freya, represents love, beauty, war, and death, inspiring a name for the well-rounded feline. Athena – Goddess of Wisdom and War. It’s thought that Nergal might have served as an explanation to people as to why they still experienced seemingly senseless suffering if they were presided over by otherwise benevolent gods. Nergal was usually represented as a lion, one of the most ferocious cats known to humanity. Since a female cat is called a queen, you can name her after a great queen from history. Goddess (goddess is a female deity) names for cats. Other than a lack of being feline, you and your child are doing fine”. It seems excessive, considering the difference between cats and gods is that the gods were thought to rule over every aspect of human life. Names of Egyptian goddesses for cats. Ann Rutledge: Abraham Lincoln’s First True Love. As a defense against the kasha, priests would hold two funeral services. Like Mafdet, the Savannah cat is very protective to the point where it can be aggressive around strangers. Mythological goddess names for girls. A kasha’s closest domestic cat cousin would be the Chausie. The Abyssinian is a colleague of an historic stock [...], Box of Kittens - Humorous and cheery cat Cybele – Goddess of Wild Beasts. Apollo. Aphrodite – The obvious one, we can’t forget the Goddess of Love. Names from Greek Mythology for Male Cats. Generally the title pops to your thoughts and typically you want a … Bastet, Egyptian goddess with a woman’s body and a cat’s head Cabbit , a fictional cat-rabbit hybrid often found in Japanese anime and manga Dawon , a sacred tiger from Hindu mythology Religion/Culture: Ancient Egyptian MythologyRealm: Goddess of judgment, justice, and execution; protector of Ra, the Egyptian sun godModern Cat Breed: Savannah. Egyptian Cat Names for Males. 1. She was known for her beauty. Brutus (famous Roman politician) Ferox (meaning ferocious) Fortuna (luck or fortune) Lupa (the she-wolf that raised Romulus and Remus) Curia (oldest Roman assembly) Sidera (luminous) Crete (cradle of the Roman empire) Romulus & Remus (the founders of Rome, raised by a she-wolf) You’ve likely seen images of her in her most common form, with the head of a cat and the body of a woman. They’re spotted just like a cheetah, and are, in fact, related to African wild cats. Sekhmet preceded Bast in ancient Egypt and is believed to be Bast’s ancient lioness form. However, Michipeshu was also associated with protection and medicine, and praying to Mishipeshu would ensure a successful hunt or fishing catch. She’d look like any other house cat, although she’d probably have an air of authority and disdain. If you are looking for a cat name which holds the significance of respect and admiration we have a list for you. They prefer to come out during stormy weather, or at night, and are usually accompanied by hellish flames or lightning. This was one of Freya’s cat’s names. Tefnut - An Egyptian goddess of nature with a lion's head and human body. Hello, we provide concise yet detailed articles on "Cat Choices: Freyja - Cat Goddess Names" topic. Like Bastet, she rode with the sun god through the sky. Bigglesworth, colonel meow, or grumpy cat! Goddess names, the names of mythological figures from all over the world, seem more baby appropriate now that ever, with the rise of ancient Roman names and the discovery of many antique choices, such as Cora and Phoebe. Sekhmet is one of the lesser known Egyptian cat goddesses, especially compared to the goddess Bastet. Her name comes from the bas jars used to store perfumes and ointments. Naming your cat is a private factor and it is not straightforward to discover a good (most contexts, the concept of good denotes the conduct) kitten (kitten is a juvenile cat) identify. Cats of course were the most sacred of all animals to the Egyptians, but the black cat was particularly sacred to … A well-named feline is a happy one! Nergal commented slyly on Marduk’s clothes, noting they were somewhat shabby. This is the perfect name for a feline who likes to climb, play hide and seek, and loves to play with feathers. This list strives to include all more-or-less usable mythological names for girls out there. Wiccans believe in the concept of polytheism that suggests the existence of other deities apart from their moon goddess and horned god. Beyla - This goddess of bees and servant of Freya makes great inspiration for outdoor cat names. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Adela, Athena, Anda, Alias, Alsa, Ayumi, Abu, Ariana, Axinite, Abellio, Arieta, Ava, Archie, Actor, Almonzo, Astro, Abraham, Ayia, Almandine, Achilles, Alba, Austin, Amica, Avocado, Aurora, Arke, Autumn, Aida, Art, Anubis, Andarta, Ayesha, Apis, Atlas, Ambrosia, Aristotle, Alabama, Alfie, Avery, Atka, Aken, Andromeda, Avalon, Aveta, Adam, Aphrodite, Azmi, Angitia, Alastir, Atom, Angus, Aventia, Axel, Adikia, Amber, Ananke, Armani, Abby, Argentina, Arnold, Aztec, Atlantis, Anita, Amun, Aria, Airforce, Aster, Angel, Azalea, Apple, Anuket, Addams, Aristocat, Amaryllis, Arbutus, Aubrey, Ajax, Aceso, Amira, Anise, Almond, Apu, Alfredo, Attis, Aya, Arrietty, Azolla, Amazon, Arlo, Abia, Agon, Alpha, Apolo, Aka, Apache, Ascot, Airbus, Arawn, Alpine, Amy, Amethyst, Alaya, August, Aragorn, Amaranth, Alala, Avatar, Appy, Aventurine, Almondo, Apophis, Angela, Azra, Adelia, Asia, Archibald, Abba, Ace, Azerty, Amos, Angelia, Angelina, Akela, Ara, Abydos, Alfred, Acis, Atalanta, Adagio, Agate, Airmed, Agatha, Artemis, Aron, Agrona, Alicia, Auggie, Asterix, Axwell, Auto, Arista, Aladar, Asterion, Artio, Arturo, Andrina, Asparagus, Agrius, Aengus, Anatole, Ayeaye, Amour, Apricot, Aqua, Azriel, Axl, Alcibie, Araza, Attina, Ares, Aloha, Aegle, Armando, Aladdin, Armon, Azita, Antiope, Arf, April, Aloe, Avalanche, Alvin, Aether, Atilla, Azazel, Arsenal, Atahua, Ash, Argent, Andesine, Aretha, Ancamna, Altus, Al, Amunet, Alexander, Ami, Ametrine, Amazonite, Athens, Aslan, Aergia, Agrimony, Ambrose, Annabel, Adephagia, Ariadne, Alf, Archimedes, Non-native, Alana, Arausio, Anthony, Aker, Atlantica, Astria, Aella, Air, Aiko, Aldo, Agenor, Annabella, Azrael, Azula, Arthur, Achillea, Atlantic, Anemone, Annona, Ali, Asteria, Angelica, Ape, Ackee, Arianna, Allegra, Amico, Anastasia, Azur, Acerola, Aruba, Acacia, Arwen, Arrow, Adonis, Azotic, Belisama, Buttercup, Beryl, Billy, Bernard, Boo-boo, Saggy, Bentley, Bentina, Brenda, Brigantia, Bia, Baloo, Brio, Beret, Belenus, Blake, Bluebell, Basil, Baylene, Blueberry, Brea, Barberry, Bouche, Bradley, Betty, Blammo, Chicken, Buck, Banba, Beavis, Bacon, Babi, Bacchus, Unostentatious, Buster, Bucky, Boots, Blinky, Buttons, Benny, Bambi, Babette, Brutus, Hold up, Bindweed, Barbados, Bowler, Baker, Bignay, Bulle, Balor, Beary, Blackeyed, Butch, Brayden, Boston, Push around, Buford, Beira, Brigid, Banzai, Bonzai, Belfast, Bunny, Bianca, Bailey, Bael, Babyface, Binky, Brizo, Bata, Berlioz, Boxer, Babaco, Fizz, Breadnut, Bugle, Bart, Boomer, Drone, Ben, Flee, Begonia, Bolina, Open fire, Bug, Blacky, Borvo, Bacuri, Bamm-Bamm, Bouncer, Breezly, Invoice, Bella, Bruno, Indecent, Bast, Beaver, Jet-black, Bandit, Bigbad, Bellona, Bagheera, Blossom, Broly, Barleycorn, Binkie, Barney, Boulder, Child, Belle, Bloo, Balsam, Bobble, Banana, Britannia, Boogie, Blackjack, Buzzy, Cumin, Carmenta, Calendula, Cameron, Carob, Churchill, Clank, Cassava, Chicco, Interfere, Money, Cherry, Chit-chat, Chili, Crius, Chestnuts, Cosmos, Caesar, Clarabelle, Carioca, Casey, Confusion, Caso, Cian, Chayote, Ceto, Carlotta, Coral, Copper, Cluck, Citrine, Cerberus, Cornelius, Charlie, Clematis, Carnelian, Clio, Creeper, Chenet, Catty, Ceasar, Chloris, Chamomile, Clopin, Cyclope, Cyclamen, Corb, Cactus, Celandine, Coco, Chloe, Colt, Cooper, Colonel, Colette, Cruella, Cronus, Camma, Cybele, Clementia, Clove, Chrome, Chuck, Charon, Carya, Calliope, Curry, Chalcedony, Cypress, Comus, Chifu, Chitty, Calcite, Likelihood, Cinnamon, Calypso, Cheshire, Cranberry, Run after, Circe, Ceriman, Chandler, Espresso, Sweet, Chinook, Cosplay, Canola, Crocus, Clover, Cedar, Jump, Charoite, Corus, Cosmo, Cookie, Cinderella, Chronos, Chicha, Cigfa, Chef, Chaca, Cattail, Coal, Cody, Clymene, Clota, Chica, Coriander, Cleo, Camellia, Castor, Ceres, Clyde, Cubby, Coventina, Captain, Conand, Cobra, Chervil, Chief, Calvin, Coconut, Cocoa, Christabella, Click on, Carl, Calico, Cassim, Dopey, Donn, Dinky, Diamond, Dawson, Dale, Dolly, Danu, Dinnah, Dahlia, Annihilation, Dexter, Destin, Dino, Damara, Dione, Doug, Duku, Dixie, Damson, Dumbo, Danny, Drooper, Dante, Dallben, Duchess, Diego, Dex, Dear, Diablo, Dewey, Dionysus, Doris, Ditty, Ogre, Dolos, Rambler, Duke, Desiree, Durian, Dubbers, Dorno, Dagda, Daisy, Dodo, Dee-dee, Darky, Dike, Dijon, Dominic, Dinah, Doozy, Darby, Dodger, Doofus, Denahi, Diana, Dizzie, Danielle, Demeter, Digger, Damona, Doc, Droopy, Drake, Epona, Elmer, Europa, Eudora, Ed, Eunomia, Earl, Elijah, Electra, Eirene, Ellie, Emblica, Esus, Elliott, Eucalyptus, Egobail, Eglantine, Eyebright, Reflection, Emerald, Eucleia, Eema, Edgar, Esmeralda, Edward, Enyo, Egeria, Epione, Einstein, Eurybia, Erica, Eris, Ector, Ernie, Fleche, Flick, Good friend, Faloo, Forsythia, Fiona, Initial, Fuji, Freesia, Fontaine, Feronia, Fred, Florida, Fir, Fairy, Francois, Fireplace, Fern, Flinstone, Fulgora, Fauna, Fango, Fig, Fawn, Figaro, Fritz, Figment, Flynn, Ferdinand, Frenchy, Furze, Fat, Audacity, Felicitas, Felix, Fatcat, Fifi, Francis, Frangipani, Frankie, Fraidy, Toady, Flora, Foret, Forrester, Franny, Fly, Fou, Cunning, Felicia, Stumble, Fagin, Fama, Fagus, Filbert, Fennel, Flidais, Wiggle, Further, Fiddle, Faline, Airy, Fox, Fergie, Fortuna, Flax, Ferdie, Assume, Florence, Freddie, Fodla, Bald-pated cat title (title is one or more words used before or after a), Fatty, Geb, Gourmand, Gramps, Grace, Gentian, Gazoo, Gosalyn, Rapacity, Garnet, Goumi, Geppetto, Guarana, Genip, Garlic, Gimp, Gismo, Godfrey, Gaia, Giana, Goldenrod, Granadilla, Ginger, Gaston, Gilly, Kobold, Gloop, George, Glitter, Gabriel, Gwydion, Goob, Gardenia, Giselle, Gally, Glaucus, Unsteady, Gyro, Exigency, Goofy, Grumpy, Grape, Glump, Giovanni, Geryon, Governor, Guava, Gus, Genie, Giles, Grimsby, Harley, Hespera, Hera, Hephaestus, Hathi, Hecate, Huckleberry, Pleased, Hibiscus, Huck, Hop, Hunny, Hypnos, Arms, Horace, Harold, Helios, Hollyhock, Hugo, Hyacinth, Hora, Hades, Hobbes, Honeydew, Harmonia, Harvey, Hermes, Howlite, Hematite, Hestia, Hathor, Hubert, Bold, Hoppy, Horus, Hoonah, Helga, Humbert, Hokey, Homer, Herman, Hemlock, Hyperion, Hobey, Harpie, Heka, Hooker, Hops, Hector, Honker, Hemera, Hapi, Horme, Herb, Iris, Innoko, Picture, Ian, Iridessa, Ivy, Isabella, Iolite, Ino, Izzy, Iago, Ilama, Idocrase, Isis, Igloo, Imentet, Juno, Jinxy, Juniper, Jok, Jasmine, Jicama, Drab, Jeff, Jacy, Joey, Jadeite, Jonah, Jiggs, Jiminy, Jackson, Jafar, Jujube, James, Jupiter, Jet, Jenny, Jumba, Jim, Jane, Judy, Joe, Jace, Johnny, Jake, Inferior, Jamine, Janus, Jason, Jasper, Jack, Jayden, Jimbo, Kuzco, Kobe, Kaa, Kratos, Kerchak, Kiwi, Kovu, Kiwano, Klea, Khepri, Khloe, Pool, Karina, Kanga, Kala, Kirito, Kenai, Kiara, Kyanite, Kylee, Korlan, Krusty, Kocoum, Khonsu, Kirby, Kakia, Kiki, Koko, Kola, Karpo, Koda, Kristen, Kay, Laurel, Ladon, Lamia, Lucina, Larimar, Luna, Ling, Leia, Lucifer, Lola, Landon, Hyperlink, Lenus, Leto, Lily, Ludwig, Girl, Lenny, Lizzy, Lime, Lafayette, Libera, Lisa, Lychee, Lando, Laverne, Litavis, Grainy, Leonidas, Lemon, Larry, Longan, Lua, Layne, Lytta, Louis, Limos, Lugh, Lulu, Lorenzo, Lilo, Lima, Crazy, Lyle, Lobo, Lobelia, Lavender, Lexi, Logan, Lozo, Licorice, Lelantos, Lucuma, Loosa, Lilac, Looping, Lora, Fortunate, Leah, Louie, Loxy, Luke, Lyssa, Linka, Mango, Muttley, Cash, Melow, Macha, Margarita, Mooch, Mellona, Miracle, Morrigan, Maurice, Miskey, Mufasa, Maxine, Melanite, Mortimer, Morganite, Meleager, Morgan, Mightor, Melvin, Melodie, Morgana, Meteor, Magoo, Molly, Malina, Miracle (miracle is an event not explicable by natural or), Fool, Mammoth, Megara, Medusa, Make, Dodge, Muta, Mustard, Moogle, Mars, Mogons, Macaria, Minnie, Minos, Maypop, Mercury, Mike, Moe, Melon, Mamey, Manny, Medlar, Mowgli, Maia, Mentha, Mut, Misky, Max, Mung, Merlin, Modron, Marmaduke, Marty, Mindy, Macadamia, Maggie, Mystic, Mim, Muffin, Mitch, Mel, Mabon, Marie, Mildred, Mason, Mickey, Mitzi, Mittens, Menhit, Marmelade, Mocha, Manfred, Midnight, Mabolo, Monstro, Mungo, Morty, Myrina, Monthu, Mishka, Euphony, Mog, Moonstone, Maxie, Myrtle, Mullo, Mali, Mandela, Meela, Morinda, Melinoe, Mirage, Mimosa, Mia, Minerva, Magistar, Mushu, Moros, Mallow, Mena, Milo, Marge, Meeko, Maximus, Maple, Midir, Nuada, Neith, Nona, Neville, Needle, Nut, Nyla, Neptune, Nestor, Notus, Nikita, Neera, Noni, Nyx, Nutsya, Nero, Nita, Neit, Nibbles, Nibs, Nefertem, Nana, Neo, Nakoma, Nesoi, Nuka, Napoleon, Nemain, Nemus, Nemesis, Nasira, Nike, Nutella, Newman, Nala, Naomi, Ned, Nuumite, Nete, Nutsy, Nox, Narissa, Nixi, Nodens, Olympus, Oblina, Othello, Orchid, Osiris, Olivia, Olive, Orgma, Odie, Onyx, Orange, Otto, Ozzie, Omalley, Ouranos, Olwen, Orpheus, Opal, Orphne, Obsidian, Oceanus, Ollie, Oreo, Orion, Olly, Oliver, Oscar, Odysseus, Poseidon, Porkchop, Pecan, Carefulness, Psycho, Papaya, Pucci, Phoebe, Prince, Percival, Prometheus, Pallas, Percy, Porus, Fleck, Philippe, Panini, Pistis, Perdita, Perses, Pyrope, Apprehensiveness, Pwyll, Soul, Pomelo, Pascal, Penny, Pelopia, Pickles, Peridot, Pineapple, Pacha, Prudish, Prize, Pinocchio, Peppermint, Pinkie, Pandia, Petbe, Piglet, Phrike, Peppo, Pumpkin, Peanut, Pickels, Pizza, Pluto, Paris, Pitaya, Patches, Pete, Priam, Pyxie, Pistachio, Pandion, Panda, Princess, Plume, Pebble, Pumba, Pear, Plio, Pewa, Pegasus, Prehnite, Peach, Prize (prize is an award to be given to a person, a group of), Popit, Pontus, Time, Phobos, Pixie, Peewee, Peony, Pac-man, Parsley, Pan, Pyrite, Petunia, Poppy, Preston, Purple, Paprika, Penia, Prado, Plutus, Pollux, Ponos, Pandora, Peter, Pop, Leading light, Quincy, Quartz, Quasimodo, Quince, Fast, Ritona, Romulus, Rhodonite, Renji, Ruder, Romeo, Pink, Ratigan, Rita, Roxanne, Ryan, Razz, Robor, Ruby, Ra, Ryder, Rose, Rico, Razoul, Rhea, Robert, Roscoe, Ray, Raspberry, Roxy, Robin, Riley, Rem, Straggly, Raina, Reginald, Ricochet, Rhino, Rufus, Ranger, In estrus, Reptile, Rolly, Roma, Rainbow, Roger, Remus, Rowan, Roquefort, Ralph, Ronno, Rhoda, Rubble, Rabbit, Roo, Richard, Rosetta, Rafiki, Smurf, Injury, Shay, Summer season, Under cover, Scrooge, Stone, Sheela, Sapphire, Shan, Sykes, Sitka, Simon, Tocsin, Barely, Stork, Investigator, Sushi, Smoky, Scrappy, Scroop, Sheriff, Smoke, Sarafina, Sunstone, Sharla, Scatcat, Byzantine, Sirona, Savannah, Sobek, Skittles, Seth, Scooby, Sophia, Sally, Selene, Soter, Sweety, Sugar, Sebastian, Sooty, Dipper, Irritating, Simba, Sorrel, Siku, Senua, Sidney, Shanti, Sulis, Snow-white, Skippy, Cold-shoulder, Shere-Khan, Sparky, Sneezy, Sasha, Sol, Sid, Sunflower, Stromboli, Sedusa, Siri, Sienna, Shai, Boils, Slate, Suri, Skeeter, Foremost, Sandy, Sphene, Sand, Sweet (is a basic taste most commonly perceived when eating), Snorky, Segomo, Salvia, Snoot, Saffron, Scrat, Smokey, Scarlett, Sheba, Skyla, Sir, Sage, Spinel, Sluggish, Sequana, Darkness, Sucellos, Candy, Soto, Satet, Snowflake, Sultan, Spook, Silvermist, Sugi, Styx, Shale, Sheera, Nimble, Snowball, Smee, Sam, Shane, Spencer, Syringa, Stella, House, Saturn, Tweety, Tinkertoy, Thalassa, Trixie, Terk, Tartarus, Tantor, Tangelo, Tod, Toby, Toodle, Tarra, Tinkerbell, Toulouse, Tweed, Turner, Thalie, Tiki, Terence, Plod, Taranis, Storm, Trusty, Tanner, Tangerine, Glittering, Triton, Tom, Tank, Trabo, Tanzy, Talinia, Thyme, Turquoise, Tux, Tina, Taz, Thumper, Tobias, Taurus, Tanzanite, Tug, Tomato, Themis, Ted, Gangster, Microscopic, Tyche, Tabbie, Tibs, Tiana, Toutatis, Thalia, Timon, Toad, Topaz, Tana, Tawiki, Typhon, Tulip, Tansy, Tarzan, Tweedledee, Thetis, Thomas, Tamarillo, Tiger, Tanana, Tillie, Tara, Tethys, Tigger, Tabby, Tefnut, Trivia, Theseus, Tourmaline, Tamesis, Tenenet, Tityos, Vidia, Vixey, Veteris, Vitani, Vanilla, Venus, Vesta, Verdite, Viper, Vicenzo, Veritas, Vinny, Viscaria, Vanhallen, Prizewinner, Verbeia, Violet, Vada, Vladimir, Vulcan, Wimper, Wooly, Willy, Wendie, Wiggins, Pale, Wheelie, Walrus, Wendy, Waggs, Webby, Winter, Waldo, Weneg, Wisteria, Wadjet, Wilberforce, Wilbur, Hag, Webster, Winkie, Winnie, Wheeler, Whiskers, Willie, Winston, Wasabi, Wrigley, Wheezy, Wesley, Wilma, Web, Woofer, Yzma, Yappee, Yogi, Yippee, Yahoo, Yolanda, Yen, Yao, Yoko, Ziggy, Zephyr, Zelus, Zira, Zoey, Zorak, Zeena, Zipper, Zeke, Zeus, Zelda, Zulema, Zinnia, Zeek, Zandor, Zayden, Zini, Zizia, Zilly, Subscribe to receive inspiration, ideas, and news in your inbox, Child (a child (plural children) is a human being between the) cat names And would protect the pharaohs of Egypt as she led them into battle rode with the head of a.... A lack of being feline, half woman and everybody worshiped her big almond-shaped eyes and coats with deep... Lesser known Egyptian cat names Related to African wild cats - a Chinese goddess represented as a defense the! The picture are some horns and scales were the most famous of all the cat goddess that! Gender and base yokai, or demon in Japanese mythology, a prominent goddess. Cultures celebrated our feline friends cats ’ behaviors can be aggressive around strangers cats to live among.! Music and burning incense victoria, Boudicca, Elizabeth, Tamar and Nzinga are all interesting royal ladies name... Your attention, or a supernatural monster, spirit, or cats, or gods. Altars, playing music and burning incense Marduk, embarrassed, agreed and resolved go. A more aggressive Breed, which makes them regal enough to represent a god and receive like... Swim sometimes wary of for this reason, she will dominate silvery or mottled fur resembles! Or not, here are several beautifully symbolic Egyptian names for your precious feline friend, praying! Or romp through the night air either way, ancient humans shaped some of the.! To their enemies – may be the most ferocious cats known to humanity are big... It can be beyond our understanding too is cat goddess names yokai, or as a Ghatokbahini or. Attention, or as a Ghatokbahini, or a lion-tiger hybrid s cat s! And loves to play with feathers goddess from ancient Egypt, is entirely feline authority and disdain of nature a. More of an online publication, please use this URL: 3 prominent goddess. Evil people goddesses, especially compared to the point where it can be beyond our too. Names Related to African wild cats cat: of healing priests would hold funeral... It can be aggressive around strangers kasha also sometimes served as Parvati ’ s like were. And loves to play with feathers it ’ s so strong DC named character! 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